
Taurus Man Disappears From Aquarius Female Friend. What's The Story?

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I am an Aquarius woman(Aquarius rising/Libra moon/Capricorn venus/Taurus mars) and about some time in May reconnected with a

Taurus man from H.S school days thanks to Facebook. We began writing each other everyday, our emails were long, deep and we both confessed we had a thing for each other and he admitted that now we were writing again, those fond feelings he had are actually still there. by June he was visiting family in new york where i live and we spent the day together with his son (he's a divorced dad - I'm married to a Sag guy) my taurus friend was a true gentleman and respected that I was married so we didn't flirt or nothing more than a hello/goodbye hug - but now i'm completly confused now that its July. we kept in touch by phone and email until recently i feel he's completed dug his heels in and has not written to me or phoned me and i'm stunned that he's not returned my emails/calls. finally i got a brief email and he sounded completed depressed with his life (he admits to having bouts of depression) but twice in the email started out with "Please don't think that I am ignoring you or that my recent lack of correspondence has anything to do with how I think or feel about you" and closed with "But please don't fret. Please don't be concerned. Please don't worry that I have forgotten you. I haven't. I couldn't"

what can i do? even tho' we admitted being fond of each other I thought we were insync that a friendship was important to the both of us and him tell me so many times that our paths crossed again for a good reason, a reason he was (then) all too happy to embrace, now I've got the cold shoulder and can't understand what I may have said or did that sent him to shut down. should i try calling him again? i adore him he's always been a postive influence in my life even tho' we haven't spoken since h.s. but now that we've reconnected, is he pulling away from me because he taken with me or afraid to be? he's now wrote on his facebook header "i'm so very confused" -he's not the only one now!




  1. This situation has nothing to do with signs. It's life. You're married, he wants to be with you, but can't because YOU'RE MARRIED. He knows you want more, but you're MARRIED. He doesn't want to be a part of destroying a marriage because you're MARRIED. YOU ARE MARRIED. Why are you even trying to pursue this poor guy. This is what's causing his confusion - a MARRIED woman is chasing him. Leave him alone so he can get on with his life. YOU ARE MARRIED.


    "... so I have a clear understanding of where I stand?"

    Is your husband aware of all of this? If not, Mr. Taurus knows you are being deceptive with your husband. If you're this way with your hubby, you are giving Mr. Taurus the red flag to steer clear of you. He knows you will be this way with him also if you were to get together as a couple. I think where "you stand" right now is you're about to lose everything. Maybe you are in hopes of getting Mr. Taurus so you can ditch Mr. Husband, who is totally oblivious to his wifey sneaking around behind his back.

  2. I think he's probably hurt. He probably is a little more than "fond" of you, and he knows that he can't be with you. It is easier for him to ignore you, rather than keep it going and keep hurting himself.

  3. I am Taurus and I disappear from many friendships however they always stay friends

    Easy come, Easy go : )


    When the purpose is met it is time to move on

    Love & Blessings


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