
Taurus and Aries?

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This is just a quick question. I'm a Taurus and this year I had a class with an Aries. She was very nice and friendly at first, and we got along well. However, one night on MSN, she insulted me and she'd done this a few times before. All the previous times I had ignored her insults, but this time I was in a bad mood and just snapped. So I said that I was going to go and went off MSN.

The next night I came on and she apologised to me and I said it was fine and not to worry. Then she kept talking about it, so I said I had no comments and didn't have anything to say.

The next day, she threw a book at me (I'd lent it to her) and then she ignored me all day. Then a few of her friends started treating me coldly. She either ignores me or is rude unless she wants something.

The thing is I used to be very forgiving, but a lot of people have treated me badly. So I eventually got tired of it and started ignoring her.

Should I try and make up or forget her?




  1. Whoa....its quite unusual for an aries girl to act like that. Normally aries are the ones sticking up for the underdog. Obviosly this aries is starving for attention and she using you to get it. Especially if youve done nothing to her in the past this kind of behavior is weird.

    Im an aries and if im mad at a guy i just completely ignore them. I feel like thats the worst punishment for them is to not be able to talk to me. I never drag my friends into it unless they guy really just really screwed me over.

    And I know its not an romance thing here because were mean in an "come get me" sorta way not and "im a b**ch" way so i dont think its a crush thing going on here.

    > This is obviously an aries with an low self esteem whose craving for attention . Dont try to make friends with her or anything. She loooking for an reaction out of you so dont give it to her ( i know that pisses me off if a ignore a guy and he acts like he doesnt notices or cares lol) so just s***w her. The more you ignore her the closer youll get to finding out why shes acting this way.

  2. Like the three fire symbols, Aries the Ram, Leo the Lion and Sagittarius the Archer, fire signs are very impulsive and very self centered. Their combustive behavior is the reason for their actions. Yes, not all Fire sign individuals just go on the brink of attacking, but Aries and Taurus often do not get along. However, my sister is an Aries and mom is a Taurus but get along splendid but do not see eye to eye on everything. You are a Taurus: much more peaceful, harmonious and loves beauty. Taurus people are like this: If I don't like you, I won't talk to you. My mom is like that to. You could forgive her, but if she doesn't listen, ignore her and move on.

  3. you are a taurus. if i were you I wouldn't say a word. then I would quietly walk up to her in public while she is in front of all of her friends and just beat the p**s out of her in front of all of them. How are you going to let her get away with her throwing a book at you. let that alone, but you were kind enough to lend it to her and she just tosses it? then she has the nerve to punk you down like a little whimp and you let her? get your adrenaline pumping, dont say anything to her and walk up to her and punch her teeth in. that is what I would do to her.

    definitely don't suck up to her and forgive her and let her be your friend. she will only treat you badly and talk bad about you and destroy your reputations, which she already has, because you let her.

    if you don't want to be physically destructive to her, then at least grow a pair and tell her off in front of her friends. tell her she is a scum bag for not appreciating your help and kindness. tell her you were only nice to her because you felt sorry for her. otherwise she is going to start bullying you. she already has, and that is the aries way.

    for future reference, aries is not one of your compatabilities. so don't try for that again. you are best with: pisces, virgo, cancer, capricorn.

    oh, side note, aries talks the talk but can't usually fight for beans. good luck with your bully... oh I mean friend.

  4. I don't think it's an aries thing, I think this girl is just using you. I think you should just let her go and move on to someone who will appreciate you, not treat you like c**p unless it benefits them. She obvisiously doen't know how to act, and her friends either. Be careful, not everyone is going to be your real friend and you have every right to say so when they arent. good luck
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