
Tavoris Cloud pulls a "Margarito" with glove controversy?

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Tavoris Cloud pulls a “Margarito” with glove controversy?
It’s controversy season in the boxing world this week. 
After an 7 August bout between light heavyweight IBF champion Tavoris Cloud and Glen Johnson, dispute involving the gloves worn by Cloud has sparked up and is quickly blotting out his twelfth round decision win.
According to criteria outlined before the fight, both sides agreed to use “red 10-ounce Everlast gloves,” but Cloud entered wearing a pair of black gloves.  Afterwards a member of Cloud’s team claimed the black gloves were given the green light by Johnson’s co-promoter Leon Margules, something that Margules has subsequently denied.  The gloves were confiscated after the bout.
ESPN’s Dan Rafael reported that Margules noticed the switched gloves as soon as Cloud entered the ring and objected.  However, nobody from Johnson’s camp apparently felt the need to halt the bout with a formal inspection or a second glove switch, so the bout went along as planned. 
Recently a letter appeared from an attorney representing Johnson, Pat English, laying out the camp’s concerns about the gloves.  The letter was addressed to Tim Lueckenhoff, head of the Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC).  Lueckenhoff is in charge in Missouri, the state where the fight was held.  In his letter, English explicitly related his client’s case to the one currently involving Margarito. 
“I know for a fact that gloves can be altered and are in fact altered. This has been the topic of discussion at ABC meetings so I know that you are aware of this potential as well. Further, by 'altered' I do not mean simply by the camps - special orders can be made where the padding is realigned.”
English continued to present his case against Cloud: “His switch in gloves was inexplicable and inexcusable, and the failure to notify the Johnson camp and to allow them to examine the new gloves is the exact equivalent of allowing hand wraps without an observer from the other side. The seriousness of this breach cannot be overstated, as we saw with Mr. Margarito.”
According to English, the gloves Cloud used in the bout were not only a different colour but were also of a different make. 
These are heavy words coming from Johnson’s camp.  The question is whether they have any bearing, or whether the boxing world is just currently swallowed up in conspiracy hysteria in large part due to Margarito.  Though most of the boxing world has been quick to condemn Margarito with the seemingly strong evidence, it's worth noting that it can never be proven Margarito knowingly had his gloves loaded.
At the same time, it does appear as though Cloud’s camp really messed up by providing an opportunity for contention.  These guys really should have been a bit more careful about what they were doing, especially if they agreed on specific terms and then went against them.  That being the case, Johnson’s team really does have a legitimate stake in bringing this to the fore, even if it turns out to be nothing.
But then, what if it’s something?  This looks like a case in which more information is only going to be more damning for Cloud.  There is a simple solution, if the gloves are examined and shown to have no irregularities, but even that examination seems frighteningly subjective.  Probably if two gloves weigh the same and have most of the same features one set can still be said to have “irregularities,” and its likely Margarito hysteria will play into that potential verdict.
Bottom line seems to be, if you agree on terms before a fight, especially involving gear and gloves, don’t change things, unless you want a fistful of trouble.



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