Tax Freedom Day this year falls on June 2nd!! Only 5 weeks to go until we have, on average, paid all our taxes and are then free to enjoy our own money.
This means that for 155 days of the year, every penny earned by the average UK resident was taken to support government expenditures.
This is now a full week later than 2002. This year in America it was on April 23rd (113 days).
Taxes include: income tax, VAT, inheritance tax, stamp duty, car and fuel taxes, excise taxes on alcohol and cigarettes, taxes on companies and employment, and many more.
If they carry on rising at the rate they have been, which admittedly is unlikely (we hope!), it won't be much longer before you will spend more time working for the government than you do for yourself.
In fact, if you take into account government borrowing, Tax Freedom Day doesn't come until 14th June as we spend those extra days paying off the interest on Gordon's loans (deferred taxation).