
Tax credit and water conservation idea, what do u think?

by  |  earlier

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Do you know of any tax credits for adding foot pedals, like the ones they have in the Doctor's offices, to sinks, in our homes, in order to conserve water. I just can't help but think that we'd save a heck of a lot of water that way. What do you think?




  1. I do not know of anything but I strongly encourage you to send the idea to your local executive government. If you get the idea into the world officially it may spread much more easily.

    I realize Ididn't really answer your question, but I thin k you have a wonderful idea right there that needs to be found and made reality.

  2. no there are none, actually a better solution is the motion activated sink taps when you put your hand under the tap the water turns on when you remove your hand the water turns off,this is a much better conservation system

  3. Tax credits are about as stupid as carbon credits.

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