My husband did a side job for a person , mulching their home property......he received a ck for $200 less what the bill was for because the homeowner said he made an adjustment because he thought my husband was too high......the ck was made out to my husband with a note in the memo stating: full payment------ the homeowner sent a w9 to us as well- Do we have to fill this out?? Is it worth getting a atty?? WE are in NYS...thanks
3 days ago - 19 hours left to answer.
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2 days ago
Please note that this is a an attys house he did work for not an husband just did this as a side job -the attys wife told my husband to come & do what he had to there was no verbal amount given.... the atty sent the ck less $200 and requested the w9 be sent back........we will not get into legal trouble if we do not send back w9?? the ck is just made out to my husbands name.....if i depost the ck , what does writing "all rights reserved"do , as one member advised?