
Taxes and Mileage...?

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i live in colorado and will soon start a second job as a contracted phlebotomist...making house calls. my new boss said i can write off my mileage but must keep it all well documented. Can i just keep track of this in a standard notebook or is there a special form to print out and use so the govnmt will actually find it legal and write the mileage off?




  1. Yes, you can just use a notebook, no special form needed.  Just need to sure it is well documented, like dates and mileage.  I work as a Tax Preparer so I know a little bit about what I am talking about!!  Good Luck!!

  2. If you are considered an employee, the above answers are correct, however be aware that you must be able to itemize your deductions to see any benefit from doing this.  Also, this is considered a miscellaneous deduction subject to the 2% adjusted gross income calculation.  If you do itemize and you can benefit from deducting this expense, be further aware that this is an add back for the Alternative Minimum Tax.  My advice is to seek some type of reimbursement from the employer.

    If you are considered a self employed, this expense would show on your Schedule C with the income and any other expenses you may incur.

  3. You also can just take a standard mileage deduction instead of keeping track of all of those gas receipts.  Just keep track of miles to and from job sites.  The government will let you take off so much per mile.  My husband drives a lot with his job and that's how we do it.  I also use to do taxes.
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