
Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No, taxes are the price we pay for organised, centralised government and infrastructure.  "Civilisation" is a mindset.

  2. Yes, it's 1 way, so that with our tax $ we take care of poor, indigent, disabled, etc.  It's also how we order our society & infrastructure for the good of the commons:  Firefighters; policemen; sanitation; roads; etc.

    However, behavior toward 1 another is also a way & that's how we know if we are civilized.  Today in America I don't think we are very civilized.

  3. You cannot buy or tax morality---we should only pay taxes that are enumerated in the constitution which is for the good of the United States of America. No taking from one and giving to another---to me that is a "license to steal".

  4. Yes, along with highways, coordinated commerce across state lines; a retirement system that, for its faults, gives the citizens of all of the states the same benefits, a constitution based unified idea of what being an American is all about, and finally, the avoidance of the very kinds of regional differences, economic and social, that resulted in the Civil War.  And, that's just part of it.

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