
Taxes for I-75? How come I have to pay taxes for this road? I never use it!

by Guest55635  |  earlier

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Let them truck drivers pay taxes if they use it, same for my co-workers. If they want it, let them pay for it.




  1. Taxes?


    Who are you voting for?

    Partner I got news for you.

    You and I pay taxes on a bunch-o-$hit we don't use!

    Where have you been?

    Check it out.

    Obama promises some change.

    Take a guess what that means?

    After all of his new taxes to pay for all the free government supplied $hit he's promising for a bunch more things we don't use, then all we will have left is some "change".

  2. the emergency vehicle that will take you to the hospital may need it to get to your house.  what am i saying, why shoul they come for you you can drive yourself on your other roads.

  3. The trucks that bring you your food and other necessities use it.    The workers around you use it, to help support your local economy (which benefits you).

    Sometimes you pay for things that will benefit the public good.  If the truck drivers have to pay the tax to bring you food, guess who's food prices are going to be higher!  The trucker isn't going to do his job for free.

    If traffic decreases on I-75, perhaps your company won't get as many customers and go out of business.  If you are from Flint, you know the snowball effects of companies going out of business.  Hey, can you send me some Halo Burgers?  I live in Georgia now and only get them on my summer vacations (I drive I-75 the entire way, ha!)

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