
Taxes on items taken to Mexico...?

by Guest21264  |  earlier

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we are driving to mexico and want to take a refrigirator and a 50inch plasma TV with us (my husband and I) We were wondering if and how much if any taxes would we have to pay. The we have no receipt for the items, they are used. If anybody knows anything please help...thank you! Also is there a certain limit on how much cash you can take with you across the border? Again thanks!!!




  1. Better to take your ATM card than a lot of cash.  You cannot move household goods into Mexico without an FM3 visa....I don't think you will get them past the border.  You can take in gifts valued at $50.00 or less.  You can't even legally take in boxes of used clothing.  See the sight below and scroll down to the section on "What you may bring into Mexico."

  2. You DO need an invoice for the items you want to bring into Mexico, or another document proving their value. Every person can bring into Mexico $50 worth of merchandise when arriving by land. If you are exceeding this franchise but your merchandise is worth up to $1000 (proved by the invoices), then once you arrive at the border you will have to fill a form and pay taxes for 15% of the exceeding value.

    The amount you can bring is by traveler, and it adds up for every member of the family. Say, if 2 of you are traveling together then you can bring up to $2000 paying your taxes.

    If you are importing goods for more than the $1000 per person, then you have to hire the services of a customs agent, and pay their fees and the import taxes calculated  for each item, and its done in the cargo area of the border crossing.

    Now, as for cash... you are free to bring into Mexico any amount of money that you wish, without paying taxes... BUT if you are bringing more than 10,000 USC you MUST declare it at the border, if you don't then it's considered a crime.

    Here's the page of the "Aduana" - Mexican customs, so you can see what you can and cannot bring, in its import guide:

    If you have any further doubts, I would suggest that you contact your nearest Mexican consulate for more info.

  3. This is the first time I have seen Charlie be incorrect! You can bring items to Mexico, even without an FM-3, but you will be charged an import tax. It varies depending on what it is and many other factors, but will be a fairly high percentage of the CURRENT value. Not the new price, what it is worth today. The US limits you to $10,000 cash leaving the US. The Mexican government does not.

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