
Taylormade R5 Dual Question (VERY IMPORTANT)?

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I have had my taylormade R5 Dual Nuetral Driver for about 5 months, and all of a sudden I am starting to hit low hooks to the left every once in a while. I used to hit long straight shots but now i don't just keep hooking them. What should I do or change. (I am about a 5-7 handicap)




  1. I want you to open the clubface slightly at address and open your stance a little.  We want you to get closer to fading the ball than hooking it.  A weaker grip will prevent the hooks and there's a little drill that's called "swing out to right field" try swinging out to the right...that'll help you come inside instead of over the top or across.  If none of this works go hit a bucket of balls on a sidehill (downhill lie)...this will encourage more of a fade.  Don't panic,,,you'll get it back...take a deep breath and relax right before you take it'll be fine!

  2. I have only had a taylormade once (the r7) and i was very dissapointed with it. I always hooked and sliced it so i got the nike sumo and now i never have that problem. Im 14 and a 3-4 handicap and i would definatly reccomend getting one of the new nike drivers.

  3. What i would recommend is to make sure that you are not getting lazy with your stance or your swing.  go to the driving range and try to find your groove again. try out different styles and see what works for you.  also go to some sort of a professional and have your club looked at.

  4. Sounds like you are releasing the club too early. Try to maintain your wrists until right before impact and then release through the ball, not right before,.

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