
Taylors tackel on Eduardo was described as a 'passionate and great british tackle' by a journlaist...

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Am I allowed to vomit now, or later?

I think it was Hanson




  1. Do you have any links? No offense, but i just have a hard time believing someone sane would say that...

  2. Can we please leave this matter go! It was such an unfortunate thing to happen and a very bad challenge....I'm sure other fans and even Eduardo would rather move on at this stage!

    BTW: That journalist is off his game!

  3. "English" and "tackle" somehow those 2 don't go together.

  4. well i think the tackle was very overated obviously the injury was one of the worst you can get its only because he got his foot stuck in the ground that he broke hs leg usually it would follow through with the foot.

  5. This is called Yahoo answers....

    Not Yahoo Statements....

  6. This is exactly the reason why the English will never  amount to anything on the international stage. They are unwilling to adapt to a new style of play. They think the English way is the best, while really the English Way = thuggery.

  7. That's absolutely sickening especially considering if it had been the other way around and Eduardo had made that tackle the press would have had a field day. They would be name calling all over the place and calling Dudu clumsy, malicious, etc.  

  8. If Alan Hansen said that then it was incredibly bad taste. The tackle was unfortunate and the consiquences I am sure was unintended but for him to say something like that was very stupid-if he did as I haven't seen it.

    Please can you add your source?

  9. he meant to hurt him not maim him, that cost arsenal the title

  10. obviously hes out of his kind! IDIOT!

  11. Sickening Injury

    Sickening Comment

    Enough said by others already.

  12. Oh yeah would be passionate had he chased him half way across the pitch but to do a sliding tackle like that when he was less then a metre a way was just sick, just like Hanson's comments.

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