
Tdap shot??? Anyone had it yet????

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I know this is totally ridiculous but I am literally TERIFFIED of shots- I am a wuss when it comes to shots!

I have to go get the Tdap shot today, and has anyone else gotten it??? Any ideas to help it hurt less?? (besides relxing your arm)

I know this sounds totally ridiculous but this has been the biggest fear for a long time, getting shots! Thanks




  1. Some ideas on how to reduce the pain including an ice pack after the shot and some over-the-counter pain reliever like Tylenol.

    Part of the reason why it hurts is because the immune system is active in mopping up the foreign proteins injected into the muscle.  Because of the formulation for the tetanus portion of the shot, the immune response is very strong.

    Keep in mind little bit of pain for a day or two is better than a case of tetanus, diphtheria, or whooping cough.

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