
Tea Oil vs Tea Tree Oil?

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Hi, a practitioner of Chinese Medicine gave me a 1.5 liter bottle of tea oil. Is this the same as tea tree oil? I did ask him this question and it seemed he didn't have a clue on what tea tree oil is (this happened in china and he is a university professor in TCM (Trad Chi Med) so i have no reason to doubt his expertise. He says this (what he gave me) can be used for massage and weight loss, though beyond this, I would like to know more about the product. Since it's pure, it does smell like it came from a plant. I seem to have read about some antifungal properties though I don't want to experiment. Can someone shed some light on this? Tx




  1. I am sure that tea oil and tea tree oil are different. Tea tree oil is an antibacterial, anti fungal and antiviral, nothing to do with weight loss. also Chinese and tea medicine seem to go together since tea is a staple in their diets. tea tree oil comes from Australia.

  2. I'm no professional, just a daughter of a Naturopathic doctor (also practicing chinese medicine) for start. :)

    I reccommend Tea Tree Oil!

    From what I know, tea oil is the extract from pressed seeds and can be used for cooking.

    Tea Tree Oil is extracted from leaves of some sort and is leaning more towards the medicinal side than the Tea Oil is. You could also use Tea Tree Oil for itches too. :)

    Sorry I don't know much, I just saw there were no answers and thought I'd give you some hope! ;)

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