
Teach English abroad....?

by  |  earlier

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I dont know what to do with y life - and im 17. Im not going to go anywhere. I found out I for sure cant join the military because i'm g*y AND bipolar...yay me. My question is can I get my esl certificate during the summer...a little before I turn 18? Do u know any creditable job sites? Thanks!




  1. You're best bet is China right now.  You don't need any certificate to teach there.  Try  My sister did this for a year.  I wouldn't suggest it if you're bipolar, though.  Living somewhere so different and so far away from anyone you know is really hard.  She struggled through the first several months.

  2. Hi, I don't know of any job sites, but I do recomend one thing for teaching English abroad, give your classes 5 to 10 deffintions a week, make'em wirte it 10 times, and with brief rehearsing here and there, they tend to retain it for 6 months, very good teaching strat.  My teach's never did it-probably never knew, so I do it at home, after loosing some of the info. students can still have a "vague" deffiniton of up to 100-NEW words a year!

    I recomend it.

    I just wanted to say that, I think it'd help so many illiterate kids.

  3. Yes, you can get certification to teach English abroad...but not all schools require it.  Many just require that you be a native speaker and you have a BA degree in any field.  But seeing as you are only 17 and you don't have a BA degree.  I strongly recommend going to college.  Check out This website is the best ESL has a job board with listings and requirements for tons of jobs also has great ideas for teachers, activities for students and a forum where you can ask for advice or bounce ideas off of other teachers in that field.  Good Luck.

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