
Teach English?

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I want to teach English overseas but dont know how to go about it. Any ideas? I'm currently living in America if that helps.




  1. Piece of cake. If you already have a bachelors degree then get yourself on Certificate course to teach English Language to adults. Look for CELTA - it is the best and most widely recognized globally. It will take 4 weeks full time and a good way to get one is to go to a country you may like to teach in and take the course in that country. Spain and Thailand have many to choose from for example. This approach will allow you to experience the country for a week and decide if you really want to stay there for a while - also many people are recruited directly from the course by the Language school that is running it - so it could potentially save you all the hassle of searching for a job. If you want to know more email me at YAHOO ANSWERS

  2. Hello,

    Do you have your BA? If so there is a really big market for "native" English Teachers in Japan and Korea. I have a friend working in Korea who loves it and the money is decent---but you have to research the school you sign on as many are shady (to find this out google "korea blacklist.")

    As for Japan I wouldn't settle for anything less than the JET program, as the other companies known as Eikaiwas can be terrible, money hungry, stressful places to work. I ought to know I just got back from four months in Japan working for one!

    Like the other poster mentioned, you can teach in many other countries by earning a CELTA or other qualification. A lot of people like to do this in the country of their choice, finish the program and go teach.

    This site is great for everything teaching overseas, including a huge list of job adds.

    Best of luck, if you find the right job teaching is wonderful!

  3. If your from America then the best website to go to is ..Daves ESL is good but hes a money sucking leech. I like the alternative better. Thats just my personal opinion anyway.

    ESL Bean has jobs in South Korea, Japan, China, etc. Lots of jobs for teaching Overseas. Anyway if you have any more questions feel free to PM me.

    Hopes this helps.

  4. its really hard to teach english overseas. Its my experience.
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