
Teach boyfriend a lesson?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend takes me completely for granted. Whenever I do something with my friends, he calls me every hour and I always answer. Whenever my boyfriend goes out, he might say "I'll call you when I get there and when I leave around 12:00." Then, won't call me when he gets there, he won't leave at 12:00, and he won't even call. He used to be so nice to me but now he's always saying and doing hurtful things and if I get upset or cry, it doesn't phase him. Basically, he's completely insensitive and he thinks I'll never leave him. How can I teach him a lesson?




  1. Sounds like you've been dating this controlling,

    power-tripping, insecure jerk for more than a

    year too long.

    The best lesson you can ever hope to 'teach'

    this type of guy is to leave him and never look


    Get out and run far, far away from him before

    he takes the next step up the ladder of male

    ego-gone-wild and physically hurts you.

  2. nothing is going to change..

    you should just leave him

  3. Leave him.

  4. Hmmm....well, hes obviously a jerk. Yeah sometimes guys ignore a hurtful feeling to his gf. But to teach him a lesson, do the same thing, ignore his calls and don't call him until he calls you. I know it's hard to leave, but when a guy treats you that bad, its best to leave. However, another way, you could try is becoming close to a guy friend, and tell your bf that ur going out with him like a friend. He'll most likely get nervous, and go from there. Good luck :)

  5. Don't' pay attention to him. Do the same things that he does to you and when he confronts you about it: give it to him straight.

    Mine please:;...

  6. Stop being so nice to him!

    Give him a taste of his own medicine

  7. A man who no longer cares how you feel is not someone you should be dating. Hard or not, you should leave him and find someone who appreciates you.  

  8. Even though its hard to just leave, sounds like you have to, or at least talk to him about it.  Dont teach him a lesson.

    Just sit him and down and tell him and if he continues to do it, you're going to have to break up with him.

  9. If he is acting like this after a year - how do you think he will act in 5 or 10 years when you have proved that you won't leave?

    It may just be he does not understand how his actions hurt you - or it may be that he is completely insensitive and does not care if he hurts you.  

    Don't let yourself be taken advantage of - it sounds like you are young, there is no point settling for second best.  That said I would not suggest leaving him until you have tried to work out the issues.  If he shows no interest in working on your relationship now, he is effectively sowing no interest in you or your feelings and you would be kinder to yourself to jump ship.

    Its like pulling a band-aid off really quickly, it hurts like h**l to start with, but before you know it there is no more pain.  

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