
Teach me to Photoshop?

by  |  earlier

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OK, So, I JUST started up a new DeviantArt account, and I'm kinda the old fashioned artist. Ya know, Draw something in pencil, scan it, then submit it? But I wanna do MORE than just black and white pencil stuff :P I wanna had color, shading, ALL that stuff. And frankly, I just wanna do all that stuff on photoshop 'cuz photoshop looks cool :3 The problem is, I've NEVER used photoshop in my LIFE. Everyone keeps telling me to "play around" with all the stuff that's on the program until I get the results I'm happy with, but I don't know what each icon does or anything like that. So if anyone out there can just give me a simple tutorial on how to use PS for first-time users, meaning taht yuo can tell me what each icon does, how to get rid of unwanted sketchy lines, etc... I'd Really, REALLY appreciate it *crosses fingers*




  1. photoshop is actually IMO not hard to learn at all.

    the best way( i am self taught and pretty decent at it) is to search google and follow tutorials for various effects, and colorizing scanned drawings

    I know for a fact that there are quite a few tutorials on:

    I just checked and at this current moment, there are exactly 10000 tutorials on photoshop alone there.

    they have many more tutorials on different programs as well.

    that has been the only site I have ever needed. go there, and never have to look again

  2. photoshop isnt a easy program to use there is no way someone can just tell you how it works cos its going to take time to learn

    i would find a forum that is all about using photoshop and start reading

  3. Photoshop is a complicated program, very steppy (do things in order , don't miss a step or you get in a mess).  It is not easy to learn, and you are best off taking a class in it.  If you can't, go to ebay and buy a tutorial.    

  4. It takes at least 3 or 2 weeks of practice depending on how well and fast you learn but we cant teach you, you will be able to know on your own, trust me.  

  5. Good amount of video tut's here

    Good Luck, also you know there is Gimp, witch is free and has a huge community to help you.



    Also what is your Deviant Art name? I love that site and would like to see your work!
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