
Teacher Makes Grading Error?

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If your instructor makes an error in your final grade, and you have the proof of all your assignments, can your grade be changed even after the semester has ended?




  1. you should show your teacher and find out..

  2. Only if you hurry!  Go to the department head and/or the Registrar's Office and you should be able to get this changed before it's put on your transcript.

  3. Yes.  First, take the assignments to the professor and talk the issue over with him/her (try to set up an appointment via phone or email so you know you'll have plenty of time to discuss the issue).  If the professor, for some reason, refuses to talk to you, talk to someone in Student Records - they'll direct you as to what to do next.

  4. i would say you could. If you took it to Administration, I would go up there and show them your proof, and have them make a change. That is what I would do. Good luck. Please, let me know what ends up happening!  

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