
Teacher/Student Problem???

by  |  earlier

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Im being bullied by both teachers and kids.

There is a fat **** kid who smeared tomato sauce all over my uniform, and when he was getting busted, he made up a bulls**t story about me throwing a rock at him. Now im having an after school detention because of him.

Also, a kid stole my PE hat from under the change room door. I dont know who this kid is.

The hat cost $20 and the dry cleaning cost $10 and my dad will have to take the afternoon off, because my school is in a remote area and my mum cant drive a car. Which is costing my family on annual leave for my dad as well as petrol.

Can I sue the school?




  1. probably but it would cost alot

    if thats school isnt working for you maybe you need to move  ? =]

    best of luck

    mine now please;...

  2. cost more money for lawyers court then wat u get dont waste ur time

    punch the kid in the face hu did the sauce thingy

    just dw bout the hat just take some one elses

    trust me punch the fat kid he will leave u alone

  3. That's life. Deal with it or you'll be suing over the littlest things.

  4. leave the school kick and scream untiol you are expelled....

  5. Is it a private school? Cause if it is you may and may not be able to do.

    I know how you feel man, it sucks when people treat you like c**p, and it sucks even more if they get away with it.

    Tell your parents about it, tell them the who did what, when, and where. every single detail. They'll know what to do and if worse comes to worse change schools...

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