
Teacher/Student Relationship?

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I have a special relationship with my sixth grade teacher (I'm in gr. 8) and I went to the funeral when her dad died and we talk about life and personal things and are kind of friends. Is that wrong? What constitutes an inappropriate relationship between a teacher and a student? She called me a couple times over the summer to see how I was doing and I went to help her sort through some stuff in her classroom. Would that be considered inappropriate?




  1. Nothing wrong with that, I had those kind of relationships in school with my teachers. Pity I never kept in contact with one of them as I know she would have been so proud of me

  2. no as long as there is no sexual behavior

  3. You haven't mentioned anything there that seems inappropriate to me. There's nothing wrong with friends of any age, but you don't need to discuss your personal stuff with anyone if it makes you feel uncomfortable, including your former teacher.

  4. I think it's great that you have that kind of relationship with one of your teachers!

    I am the same way, I am good friends with one of my teachers from high school (I'm going into my final year of college next month). We email each other all the time, talk on the phone every once in a while, and always visit with each other when I come home! We were really close when I was in high school, I had her for 2 years, tutored in one of her classes my 3rd year and I spent my free period my senior year in her classroom. She knows a lot more about me than most people do... She knows about all the problems I went through with my family, she's even one of the first people that I told when I found out I was pregnant!  

  5. I dont think so.

  6. nothing is wrong with that at all. i have a good relationship with my spanish teacher bc we have common interests [dogs] im even friends with her on facebook.

  7. No, that sounds completely fine.  

  8. I've had relationships like this before and they're definitely the bright spots of my education (LOL, I say that like I didn't just graduate).  However, even though there's nothing inappropriate going on, for the sake of your teacherfriend, you need to be very careful.  School districts are very strict about even the smallest hint of impropriety, and one misheard comment or speculation by someone else could wind the teacher up fired--and in teaching, getting fired from a district for something like this is pretty much the end of a career.  Cherish the relationship, but keep in mind that if *you're* worried about it being inappropriate, you might need to examine it more closely from an outsider's point of view.

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