
Teacher bulling my son?

by Guest59433  |  earlier

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my little boy is in reception class hes only 4 yrs old and he used to love going to school but his class teacher is bullying him shes speaks to him horible shes very rude and everytime something happens to my little boy like if someone hit him or he fell over she tells him to go away and to stop being stupid the other day she took me to one side and told me that he has bitten a child when i questioned her about some bruising on his leg (he said a child had kicked him )she called be a liar ive been to the headmistress to complain about her but they ignore me its such a shame because my little boy used to love going to school now he hates it

anyone got any suggestions at all please help i dont know what to do exept moves schools which is a last resort




  1. You should ask your son, in the weekends sometime in a happy hour, try to slowly ask him about whats happening, slowly changing the subject to the teacher. Try and encourage him and make sure he is in a comfortable enviorment when you ask him. If your son does tell you what is ctually happening and it is a problem, you should tell the police.

  2. In my mind, you have 2 options in such a serious situation.

    1) Go back to the headmistress and demand attention. Don't leave until they've done something about it. If they don't give you attention, go get it! Don't be afraid to take extreme measures. This is you're little boy's safety, health, and futuristic outlook on school! I'd be FURIOUS!

    2) Take your child out. Since you have been ignored, maybe the absence of your child (and school funds) will grab some attention. It's  probably for the better- there is no way to ensure your child's comfort unless the teacher is gone, which isn't very likely to happen. Plus, this gives him  an oppertunity to start all over. Do it while he's young! If you wait until he's older, (5 up) he'll make really good friends and won't want to leave. It's best to do it now so he won't have much to leave behind.

    Hope this helps and good luck!!!

  3. I have the same problem with my son who is 7 and I really don't want to make waves at school by going to the head but things are so intolerable that my husband and I have been forced to make the decision to do so. Did he really bite another child?  If so, did they bother to find out why? Regardless, he is obviously unhappy at that school and it's still the first year of his schooling life, so remove him from there and find a better school with a teacher who is more suited to teaching small children.

    My heart goes out to you and your boy.

  4. take him out

  5. I'd take him out.

  6. When my daughter was in second grade she had a teacher whom she did not like. She hated going to school and told me she was always getting into trouble for something. I remember thinking it was because she liked to talk a lot. Another parent who was an acquaintance helped in the classroom once or twice a week. After talking to her one day I asked what she thought of the teachers ways with the children. She said her son was fine with her. I mentioned how my daughter was feeling and was wondering if the teacher was stricter with some children than others. Well she was honest and told me that she gets after every little thing my daughter did. I was very alert to this from then on. I am also a preschool teacher and I feel no matter how you feel about a child you have to be professional and not allow yourself to show how much you do not like a child. These are people who have been in the world for a very short time. They are developing. Ok I will shorten this, what I did was I talked to the teacher and told her I was wanting to know why my daughter did not like school. I got no real answer. Then I went to the principal and he sent me to the school counselor. He told me that many of the students do not get along with certain teachers. But believe me I volunteered in the classroom, I was on the parent teacher association and basically I encouraged my daughter to try her best because she will have all types of teachers as she goes through life and not like all of them. I think that was my mistake, I should have insisted on a different teacher or taken her to a different school. Many other parents told me that their child had been treated the same by this teacher. However in your situation I would certainly tell the teacher, the talk to her boss, and write a letter to the board of the school if they have one. Four year olds should never be treated this way, the teacher should be working with the parents if she has a problem with a child not against them. Sorry so long, it hit home. Good luck and success to your son!

  7. Document any incidents (physical, emotional etc) in a diary- if possible make a note of the witnesses present, I would then speak to the head teacher again, if you get no where with them I would then put your complaint in writing both to the head teacher -mention in the letter that a copy of the letter will be sent to their boss/head of dept. - and to the head of your local council education department, you should get the information from any official letter head or their website and to your local MP.

    If it goes as far as contacting the council/MP I would mention that you're considering taking your child out the school and moving them to another school due to the bullying.

    hope you get it sorted

  8. Get a second opinion from another parent, remember you may be seeing this from a parents distorted view.

  9. I think that if you have complained  to the teacher, and to the head teacher, there is only one way to go. You need to get in contact with your local education authority.  If you need to get the hump with them, do.  Don't get angry, or violent, but make it clear that you will not tolerate being fobbed off. Tell them that you will go to the newspapers, and don't be afraid to. Your child has the right to learn, and enjoy learning. The teacher is in a position of responsibility and is supposed to protect your child. Good luck and be firm!

  10. You know your child better than any of us whats your GUT feeling, I work within a school environment and  sad as it is some teachers within the early years dept DO have rather high expectations of young children.

    They don't  take external reasons in to account for why a child is not achieving something ( often the child just simply does not fully understand whats being asked of them).

    So that said your child is the most important person in this, go to the school headteacher be calm but firm, if this cannot be resolved move your son.

    Bad experiences early on in a child's school life can have a detrimental effect on his education.

    Finally what example is she setting the children by her attitude, do you really want your child subjected to this everyday???

  11. You should listen to the teacher. They're probably being more honest then your son is.

  12. Yes, i got one, if you think your child is innocent and things afre normal at home, Number 1 call your prinmciple of the schhol, demand a meeting with the teacher and the principle and the school board, I did one time i got soo nervous, and i faced 5 people and we all talked in a circle, i felt like they were all ganging up on my son, but i said my peace, that here is what i found out about this particular teacher and sure enough she was fired in the end, see the principle gets apid by the schhol board, and once the school board finds out things about teachers, but  DEMAND ONE, THEY HAVED TO GIVE YOU A MEETING

  13. Explain that you are really concerned and you need to see the teacher to discuss the issue. Stay calm and be prepared to listen to their point of view, if you still feel that your son is being treated unfairly you have every right to change schools. Explain to them that you would rather sort out the problem and have a good line of communication with the school in order to support your son.

  14. No i have heard all this c**p before go to the school and sit in the back of the class and see what gos on. i think you will find your dear little boy will not accept disiplin. Yes you are a mum and you do believe what you son says. But seeing is beliving. Been there seen it Done it and got the over coat.

  15. Complain to the board of governors.

  16. get  social services opinion

  17. sue the teacher?

  18. OMG!!This is need to contact the police immediately!!This teacher could be abusing your son!!

  19. My teacher when I was 5 was like that. If I'd asked her for help on something she'd tell me to go away. She'd tell me my work was c**p a lot. She'd yell at me for the way I held my pencil. She was really mean, and it was unfortunate that it stuck with me.

    I was tutored for five years after that (in school tutoring) because I never had the confidence to ask a teacher for help or even finish my work because I didn't want it criticized, it really affected my grades and confidence in elementary school because my kindergarden teacher was so mean to me.

    I'd see if you can switch him to a different teacher, she clearly doesn't have what it takes to be a great teacher and your son deserves better than that.

    Granted, he shouldn't be biting people, but you also said "If someone hit him..." I mean, what kind of teacher is this that lets hitting and kicking and biting go on her classroom?

    I NEVER had that problem growing up. I highly doubt that every kid in the class has parenting issues and that's why they're acting out, it must be the teacher, she seems like she just doesn't care about the children and can't control them.

    Definitely try to get him in a different class or school.

  20. It would be interesting to hear the other side of this scenario.

    4 is too young for a child to be in school anyway, 6 would be a much better age.

  21. Have you witnessed her bullying or is this your son's reporting to you? Either way, the teacher is acting inappropriately. I would immediately make an appointment to meet with the teacher and administrator together. Try not to be emotional, but say exactly what your son has said or what you have seen. Such as, my son said he fell and you told him to go away? Maybe you can tell me what happened. If the teacher acts defensively, ask her what she does when a child falls. What you want is for the teacher to assure you that she is fair . Sometimes just having a meeting lets the teacher, and the administrators know that you stand up for your child.If you are at all uncomfortable after the meeting, remove your son from the school.

  22. go back and see the headteacher - be seen to be giving them one more chance to sort this problem out.

    perhaps look for another school in your area; moving your son now won't be too bad - rather sooner than later

  23. Inform Ofstead of the bulling and they will take appropiate action, (aslong as you have proof) but if not then talk to the teacher and let her know your not happy with the way she is treating your child, he shouldnt have to put up with that !

    hope this helps

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