
Teacher called my best friend ugly?

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he said something like "she is the most ugylest" something...I could not get the rest.

she is in the 12th grade so she did not know he said that about her but I told her when I went looking for her and we went back to the classroom she cussed him out in front of the 9th graders.

Really I'm not going to let some g*y teacher talk about my sis like that...she not my sis but she always was there for me so it seems that way.

I mean how can you call someone ugly when your like 40 something ?...aint your *** suppose to be mature and pass that childish stuff ? like that was way out of line and I thought my friend was going to beat him up.




  1. You can get that teacher in trouble...

    Go tell someone important.....

  2. It's inappropriate for a teacher to say that about a student ever or cuss a student out or reprimand in front of an audience.  As a Mom it makes me furious.  You should deal with it through proper channels so the teacher is disciplined.  This will cause more trouble for the teacher if you report him, than if you get yourself into trouble by confronting him.  He is there to protect and teach students and to provide a safe learning environment, not to demean them.  High school is hard enough, for heaven's sake!

  3. Sadly, really ignorant @ssholes never grow up.

  4. I wouldn’t pay a bit of attention to any teacher that actually said “most ugliest.” Nothing that came out of her mouth would be intelligible to me.

    BTW, you probably shouldn’t use “gay” as an insult when you’re trying to talk trash on someone else for talking trash. It makes you look just as bad.  

  5. if you had enough proof, she could've sued the teacher for verbal harrassment. but since "she cussed him out" it would be a bit harder to win.

    that teacher is an a s s hole

  6. Okay I don't know about cussing him out in front of his students because teachers have a lot of leverage and can get you expelled in a heartbeat. Did anyone else hear him call her ugly? If it was just you, you're gonna have a tough case. You should go right to the principal's office and tell him exactly what happened before this story gets out of control.

  7. awww :( thats just mean! u should go to the principal and see what he can do about it... u seem like a very caring best friend.. good for u! and that stupid dumbass teacher should be mature enough to shut the h**l up and keeps his nagative thoughts to himself. Im sure ur best friend is very pretty.. speacially comparred to that jerk.

  8. That was uncalled for and as an authority figure he should have never said that.  She needs to bring this to the principal or counselor's attention.

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