
Teacher crushes???

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Has anyone ever had a crush on a teacher before?? Have you ever been in a situation where you KNOW the teacher was flirting with you, or trying to attract you? I've heard some about teachers flirting with students. Has there been a case where the teacher accally flirts with a middle school student?? Please share your stories!!!




  1. It is very inappropriate for a teacher to flirt with a middle school teacher to flirt with his/her student. You should tell a parent/gaurdian as soon as possible or even a guidence counsler. This is as serious issue that needs to be addressed.

  2. Yeah, in middle school we had a considerably young teacher who would "check out" all the girls in the class, especially the grade 8's. We all saw him doing it.

    I've never had a crush on a teacher, but I've always thought one of my teachers now in High school is good looking.

  3. Yes, I've had a crush on a teacher before. Actually, I'm still crushing on him.

    No, there has never been a situation where I know the teacher was flirting with me. There was this one time when he put his arm around my waist, but I saw him did that to many other female students and knew that it was his way of being friendly and joking. He's a very friendly, but serious teacher. I still have a crush on him!!

    I think there has been cases where the teacher actually flirts with a middle school student. The teacher probably ended up in jail, though.

  4. i have a crush on one of my hot teachers but i dont think he flirts. we just have funny rambles.

  5. My science teacher likes my friend, and he was totally flirting with her. I was making fun of her until the day he like totally "bumped" into her. I told her that anytime she went near him I would go too! Eww... he is soooo gross.

  6. yea...they got arrested

  7. Haha yeah, people have crushes on teachers all the time. I've never had a teacher flirt with me or anyone I know, but theres defintiely been cases and yeah, like the person above me, they got arrested.

  8. never
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