
Teacher gift collection?

by Guest61908  |  earlier

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My son's last day of school is Monday and as Class Mom I sent a letter to collect money from the parents for a class gift (something we do every year) but only 11 out of 18 participated. Should I sign the card from your "class" or just the 11 names that chipped in for the gift? What do you think?




  1. i would do it from the parents that gave the money..It seems that its always the same parents that don't give and dont help..if the parents were concern with a teachers gift then they should ask..some may do there own thing.. others just don't care and appreciate the teachers it free day care..the teacher has a right to know who is saying thank you..

  2. I would sign it from the class.  It's possible that the notes never arrived to the parents, or they might just be strapped now.  There are also people that feel that teachers don't need to be given a gift for doing something they are paid ALOT of money for.  Don't make the teacher feel bad, just sign it from the class.

  3. The teacher will most likely want to send out "thank you" notes to the kids and their families.  For this he/she needs the names of the kids.  I would say just write the names of the 11 kids.

    Notes getting lost or parents unable to chip in, is sad, but not your problem. Organizing a group gift is not an easy job. keep it simple for you.

    Who is going to hand over the gift & card to the teacher.? In my kid's class, the room mom's kid gets to lead the group :-)

    Sigh :-)

  4. Sign it from the class and give the teacher a gift card.  As a teacher,  we get enough "gifts"  that just end up being clutter.  We don't need lots of items with apples.  

    By the way, the other answer person said teachers make "alot" of money. Let me know where that is so I can move.

  5. I would sign it from the class.  Sometimes notes get *lost* before they reach the parent, or there maybe families that couldn't afford the extra money right now.

    As for teacthers make ALOT of money, please tell me where.. I may just have to go back to teaching. lol

  6. As a teacher, on the receiving end of this, and a parent on the giving end, I think it should say from the whole class.  You just never know people's financial situations.  Things are tough right now, and it is not the fault of an elementary aged student if their parents are too poor (or to lazy, or selfish, or uncaring, or whatever) to give to the teacher.  I think for the sake of the kids it is nice that the gift is from all.  Can you imagine sitting there knowing Dad wouldn't chip in his beer $, or mom tried to take an extra shift but couldn't and so couldn't afford, and now the teacher is getting this great gift and your name isn't on it.  You want all the kids to feel proud and happy to be giving the gift.

    I know it is always a major sacrifice for us to give, but we do it.  Some people don't give, but as my son's room mom this year I made the gift from the class.  As it turned out a few of the mom's had done something on their own.

  7. I would do the whole class because I'm sure other kids wanted to help but their parents would not or they forgot. Maybe they wanted to get her something but did just did'nt give money. Sign it the whole class. I hope this helped.


  8. Don't be petty.  Sign it from the class.  As a teacher, I would think it rude of a parent to only include the names of people who chipped in for the gift, especially since I know more about the living situations of my students than the other parents probably do.  There are some students whose families would LOVE to contribute but are already having to choose medicine over paying the bills.  Then there are students whose parents couldn't care less- but their kids shouldn't be penalized for their parents' apathy (about education, not gift giving).  So again, just sign it from the class.  The teacher doesn't care who chipped in and who didn't.  She'll just be appreciative that she was appreciated.  :)

  9. I would sign it from the class because it is not the students fault that their parents didn't do their part

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