
Teacher in need of ideas for a spelling contract... teachers and parents opinions welcomes?

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I teach 4th grade and would like to do a spelling contract that kids can do at their leisure. I am thinking of having a point system attached to each activity and they must earn a certain amount of points each week to get a 100. Harder activities being more points than simple activities. I would love ideas of activities to choose from.... Creative ideas wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. I teach 3rd grade and here is what the teachers in this school use (it was in place when I got here)

    There are choices for the students and they are supposed to do enough to get 100 points. They are given the contracts at the beginning of the year and assigned the words each week and the contracts are due each Friday. Each is worth 20 points, except the story which is worth 40 points.

    Choices: Acrostic for each word, sentence for each word, write each 3 times each in cursive (remember they are still learning cursive), rainbow words (each in a different color), illustration for each word, synonym for each, assign coin value for each letters and then they have to write the word and determine what each is worth. Then the story: is worth 40 points, but it must be a story, not just sentences strung together.

    Hope it helps!

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