
Teacher is messing with my mind? WHAT?

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One big WTF!? (Teacher lost my culminating activity?)?

I gave in my culminating activity (worth 10%) to my French teacher, two days late (but with extension) last Thursday last period. I want to email it but she said she won't do that so II gave it to her IN PERSON in her office.

She called my father yesterday, while I was out, saying she doesn't have the summative and that I said something about emailing it to her but never gave anything.

I don't have a copy. I don't have time to do another summative. She's saying if she doesn't get it by noon today she's going to fail me in the course. I'm not going to be flunked out of this course and not get my diploma this year- my marks beside this project are decent and I've already gotten into university.

WHAT THE h**l!? What can I do?




  1. Bend over with your head between your legs and kiss your sweet behind good-bye. You are royally screwed because it is her word against yours if you have nothing to back it up. All you can do is try to persuade her that you did turn in the assignment.

    Sorry to be so blunt about it. Since I don't know what type of relationship you have with this teacher as a student, then I don't know if she has it out for you or has honestly just lost your culminating activity and didn't realize she had it in the first place. If she is just turned around about things, then you might be able to convince her that you did indeed turn in the assignment and redo it somehow. Hopefully that is the case.

  2. First, go talk with her and tell her everything you told us.  Offer to do the work over the summer.

    If that doesn't work, go talk with the principal.  

    Best of luck to you.

  3. You need to talk to her IN PERSON; if you did it you should be able to verbally give it to her and she can see that you did indeed to the assignment.  Teachers are human and make mistakes, if she doesn't bend then go to your counselor and principal about the situation immediately, bring copies of what you have and bring your Dad who she had the conversation with.  If that doesn't give you the desired results, say hello to summer school!!!!  Sorry thats what I would do, or would want my students to do with me.

    High School Teacher

  4. You did this by hand? You didn't save a copy? In the future, always make copies of your work.

    For now, ask her if she's misplaced it and tell her that you gave her the entire copy. Are you sure you gave her the full package?

  5. Remind her of having handed it to her in her office - when this happened, what she was doing at the time, anything she said, where she put it, etc.  Then hope she finds it!  This should teach you an important lesson.  Teachers are human too, and we misplace things.  NEVER turn in an assignment without keeping a copy as backup.

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