
Teacher not allow me to use the bathroom?

by Guest33658  |  earlier

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are you aloud to just walk out if you have to seriously go?

like you have to pee super bad

or have your period?




  1. Last year for some reason i ALWAYS had to go pee right on the middle of 6th studies.

    The teacher knew i dont like s.s so he would never let me.

    By second semester i was getting up and just walking out of the room to go the the bathroom.


    lol.jk. i was babysitting and they were watching that movie b/f bedtime.

  2. if it was an emergency i think u could.and if they tried to punish u thats not very fair. id talk to someone about it.

  3. teachers always say

    bring a note from the doctor if you have some kind of disorder

    and if i really needed to go i would totally walk out i mean what they prefer clean up how emberesing and what can a teacher do if you really have to go


  5. OMG  u made my day by asking this.

    Ok, if you seriously have to go like super bad ur gunna pee your pants bad. Or your having your period and dont wanna inform the whole class. You can just get up and leave. Then when they send you to the principle explain the situation and asssure them you seriously had to go. I told my math teacher ( who wouldnt let me go pee ) " either let me go or your going to have a puddle to clean up and im not talking about water " she still said no so i just got up and went. She sent me to the office and i explained and the TEACHER got in trouble for not letting me go because it could lead to a bladder infection if i held it to long.. haha it was great! so of course you can! and i hope my little story made your day =D

  6. Holding it in can cause a really bad infection. You can always try and get a doctor's note if your teacher is that strict about it, but as a general rule, you should never hold in pee, especially if its super bad.

  7. OMG, I hate when teachers don't let you pee! I usually just give them attitude and walk out. They'll get over it, trust me. Don't worry about the teacher getting mad at you. You could hurt your bladder by holding it too long.

  8. yes, you are allowed to do that. You just have to explain it to your teacher when u come back.

  9. I had a teacher like that once what a pain if you seriously have to go like if you don;t you'll wet yourself i would go and but try going between classes or before that class i only ever waked out of class once but it was becasue so guy I didn't like slammed book sqaure in my face and I thought My nose might be broken or bleeding funny thing is he begged me not to tell the princabal I scoffed and said we'll see what happens but that another story yeah try going before that class

  10. UGH.. I had this mean teacher and she didn't let me go and I SERIOUSLY had to go..

    I started crying. (on purpose, I act a lot, so I can XD)

    she let me go.

    and everytime after that if I asked, she let me go, no questions asked. XD

  11. You will get into some trouble, but there is little they can do about it.

  12. No :\. My teachers are all retarded and say u shoud have went b4 class when we have 5 minutes to go out of our classroom(we cant get our stuff ready early!) go to our locker and to the other classroom!!!! Its bull c**p and if u get 1 tardy u get a detention if u get 5-10 tardies u get in school suspension!!!! More than 10 u get outta school! More than 15 you get both!!!! Its bull c**p at my school! I hate it! I have flat out told the whole class i was on my period and i was like THERE IS THAT WHAT U WANT???HUH????! And she was like u still cant go u need to take care of ur business between classes! We cant even go to the bathroom at recess!!!! ITS BULL #@$! I TELL U

    AND if u walk out of the classroom u get 2 tardies and a couple days of ISP!!!!!!!! I HATE MY SKL its not even private! the only time we can go to the bathroom is if we are running a fever and feel like we are going to puke even then we have to go to the nurses office to make sure were not lying

  13. one time i reallllllly had to go..

    and the teacher didnt believe me

    so, i just got up and walked out

    she just had this shocked look on her face! :)

    it was funny...i had a detention..but, i ditched that!

    pffft.. :)

  14. Yes, I have just walked out before because teachers wouldn't let me go.

  15. i can't go between classes either and in most of my classes the teachers are good about letting us go to the bathroom, but my one teacher was crazy and she wouldn't let us go so everybody would just get up and go and when she yelled at us we'd be like "do u want us to get sick in here or something?" then some kids went to the guidance counselor and she talked to the teacher.

  16. Well, beginning  in middle school and following through high school, >I< never had to worry about it, since one of my disabilities I deal with is no bladder control (long story, I'll put it in my profile before I log off).  Before middle school, i faced a lot of greif because of that, and the little dyslexia, and being autistic every day.  Going through the 'body changes' together, I got a few curiousity-type questions, then came the sleep overs, and so forth.  Some o fthe girls starting keeping their own diapers "in case Tami comes over and needs some" or "we all want Tami to feel like she is no different from us, so we wear them like she does."  I'm not suggesting you go out and buy diapers and wear them.  I just wantd you to know how I see it from my perspective, and to thank you for asking your question.  You gave me a very happy memory of  the first time in my life at tha ttim  that i had real friends, and some who have remained friends for over ten years.  As far as getting up and leaving if you have to; if you have to, you have to, and no one wants to face angry parents for causing you such embarrassment.

  17. I have walked out before because of almost peeing my pants lol. The teacher seriously hated me and would never let me go when he would let everyone else go if they had to. He "wrote me up" to the principal but after explaint the fact that I WAS GOING TO PEE ON MYSELF he excused me and actually had a little chat with the teacher =].

  18. lol this hapened to me. she was a sub, and i was BUSTING, and this was be4 recess. She said "go before school" i replied "i DID, that was 2 hours ago!"

    she still didnt let me go, so i just walked out. when i got back, she didnt say anything

    but to answer your question, no. But if you are in yr 11 and 12, yes. because teachers are kind to you then :)

  19. If you know you just can't hold it then sometimes you can get away with it but usually the teacher will report you to the principal who will decide if you should be punished or not.  I know that when a teen girl gets pregnant that they can't deny a bathroom run because it can cause complications with the pregnancy but for a typical situation they have been known to say no especially to kids they know are smokers or anything like that.

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