
Teacher? sooo wrongg...?

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right sotheres this teacher at my school, hes a student pe teacher but he also teaches re and hes taking us for re for a while since other teacher is off for couple of months. hes about 24 or 25, and hes really fit. we got along well, he makes fun of me during pe and stuff in a funny way i make fun of him back, other girls do too sometime, but we usually banter on for ages and hes always laughing when i say something to him. im good at pe so i think that why he talks alot to me, he even says hey when pass him in the hall. during re hes ok, he chats to the class like theyre his friends, but we had a couple of lessons where we all did nothing (it was near the end of school year) and he sat by my table with my friends and we laughed chatted, about things like outside of school, trying to get into nightclubs, and stuff and he just laughed and shook his head. the thing is i was out one night with my friends and we got into this club, (well most of us did) and it was really good, but then i seen that teacher there, at first he was all shocked and he smiled and came over and said we shouldnt be here wer far too young but laughed and said that he wont tell anyone, after i chatted to him for ages and he was really nice and stuff, then he had to go.. the week after in school, hes been awkward around me, in class id look up and catch him staring at me then hed look away quickly, in the hall i say hi and he just smiles and walks on... i dunno.. its weird, its gross actually cause hes a teacher, but i have a teensy lil crush on him, but i know it wont go anywhere, and i dont want it too, cause, its wrong, how do i stop myself from thinking about that?! he'll be leaving in a few months when my other teacher comes back.. so itll be fine then.. should i just keep my distance?? even though hes lik really cool and stuff, im almost 17...




  1. you should just keep your distance hes wayy too old for you if your almost going to turn 17 and hes 24 or 25. even tho you might like him alot and hes cool any stuff.. i would just find someone like that but whos closer to your own age and plus you dont wanna get him in trouble or anything if anything did happen.

  2. keep a what you said..these are just teeny stuff..a matter of time and everything will be back to's a matter of time.

  3. Just IMAGINE the trouble you'd get in if anyting happened.... don't go there!! For your own sake! xx

  4. hes just being a teacher.your probbally imagining him staring at you in class then looking aways real fast.he doesnt touch you or stand to close.hes just being a cool teacher.chhill out.itll never work

  5. It is normal to have a crush on a teacher.  A lot of students do that throughout their time in school.  Him being "awkward" may be that being you were at the club where he hangs out, and your continued conversation there made him realize you were getting close to him and he felt he needed to back it up to the student/teacher level again.  Just relax and enjoy the "friend" you have in this teacher.  I remember teachers I had that would have been more fun to hug a grizzly bear.

  6. leave him alone.  he shouldn't be a teacher if he's acting that way.

    and you should leave him be....cause it can ruin his career...unless he makes you uncomfortable and then report him.

  7. I think you have answered your own question.

    It would be wrong he would lose his job and i think you will find that he has realised that you have a crush on him and that is why he is keeping a distance.

    You wouldnt be able to date him if that is what he wants until you have left school and not when he has moved schools he could still lose his job.

  8. Hey, in one year when your 18 you can legally be with him (he still could get fired thoug but he cant go to jail...)

    cuz he would break his code of conduct as a teacher.

    wait till you graduate, youll be like 19 he will be like 26!

    but seriously....forget about it, hes just being nice......youll find someone better.

  9. At 16 or 17 it's completely normal to have crushes on older guys, even teachers. He is just trying to be the "cool teacher" and that's probably why he is acting weird to you now. Thinking about him being attractive or having a little crush on him is ok as long as you make sure it doesn't go farther than that. I would suggest just keeping your distance and try to realize that things are probably awkward for him because he's probably really catching onto the fact that you are attracted to him and he doesn't want to risk his future and his career. Just be cautious and be smart. I'm sure you won't do anything stupid. You might want to stay away from the nightclubs too... haha.

  10. i'm sorry but keep away, this couldnt work, it would just go wrong. Your best bet is try not to think of him, thats what i did and its working good :p

  11. you hooking up with a teacher would ruin his career, and even at 17, it's still illegal. his life could be ruined as a whole.  

  12. its perfectly normal for teacher crushes.....

  13. wow ok all I can say is just stay ur distance away from him bcuz that crush might turn into something and that would really s***w him up if he got caught.

  14. almost 17 means ur 16 meaning we are the same age--keep ur distance be4 u get ur teacher fired n u in some serious trouble..the last thing you want is for you to be the grl around skool who likes messing with older guys--ur in hs you know how rumors go--dont dig a hole that you cant get out of!----stay far away

  15. wow dude that's kinda messed up but just avoid him!!!!!!!

  16. I can't wait to hear about this on CNN...

  17. whoa

  18. A girl at my school had s*x with a coach.

    It was on the news and everything.

    She was 16, he was 30 something.

    He's in jail now.

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