
Teacher to student?

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i am a teacher who was recently fired for being g*y and overweight and when i was a teacher i saw a student and ateacher together in the back of a car and i video taped it.....what should i do??




  1. are u making fun of me, your questions are similar to mine! (im not g*y).

    You should stop lieing and make up real questions that have accured to you!

    Report it to the police if u a actually telling the "truth".

  2. I can't speak to anywhere else, but, in the United States, you should not have been fired for being g*y and overweight.  You should, however, have been fired, arrested, and had your teaching credentials revoked for what you appear to be saying was inappropriate contact between a teacher and a student that you failed to report as required by law.  Further, if the student was under 18, you should be charged with creation and possession of child pornography if the videotape would indicate such.

    Frankly, no matter where you are, your apparent lack of professionalism and maturity indicates that you should not be in the teaching profession at all.

    This all assumes, of course, that anything you said was true.

  3. Give it in! Definitely! x

  4. The first step is to document what happened to you and re: the other teacher.  Step two is to contact a union rep. or teacher rep for your school division.  This person should be able to guide you through the situation and find out answers.

  5. report that

  6. First off how do you know your being fired for being g*y and overweight? Secondly, what does one thing have to do with the other? Were you purposely holding onto footage of something that could potentially be dangerous in case your job was in jeopardy? If you were really concerned for the student in the back of the car, you wouldn't have brought it up after the moment passed and your job was in question. It appears you're only concerned about others when it has something to do with you. I think you should report it if you really feel something happened. Try and find a new job

  7. you should bring the evendencie to the police station and make sure that teacheris arressted

  8. I'm sorry you think you were fired for those reasons.

    As for the tape and what you witnessed, you should have reported this as soon as it occurred. You did not act in the best interest of the student involved when you should have. I don't know about you, but that's why I became a teacher. I genuinely do care about my students and their success and well-being. Should I notice anything out of the ordinary that would endanger ANY student, not just mine, you'd better believe I would report it immediately.

    I hate to say it. I really do, but it sounds like you only have YOUR best interests in mind right now.

    Do the right thing. Report the situation and start job-hunting in a profession other than teaching.
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