
Teachers, What is your take on TENURE?

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I am a former teacher and I watch teachers as they "grow in age". From my experience, tenure tends to lead to "laziness". When I say this, I mean that they become stale and set. They have no reason to truly change.




  1. I'm of two minds here.

    I do agree on the laziness factor.

    But, on the other hand, having that sort of security helps a lot.

    And, in my experiencie, I've found that sometimes the least deserving ones get tenure!

    (Either they've got connections or know how to play the field)

  2. Hey, I remember you! I asked a question about being a first year teacher a long time ago and you gave me some advice. Sweet.

    Anyway, I think that tenure should have to be renewed every 4 - 5 years like a driver's liscense. It would keep older teachers on their toes.

    I'm a first year teacher who sometimes gets lazy. Then, when I know that my principal, America's Choice (our school's new curriculum program) or other observers are coming, I instantly step up my teaching and keep it up

  3. I recently completed my internship with a teacher who has tenure.  In my opinion, her words and actions should lead to immediate dismissal.  The principal openly agreed but blamed retainment of said teacher on the fact that she has tenure and is a member of the union.

    So - in my opinion - tenure sucks!  We don't need any more crappy or mediocre teachers than we already have.  

    I hope that if I don't do my job well, that I get fired - because if I'm not doing it well (in any profession) then I am in the wrong field.  Tenure presents too many obstacles for needed change.

    Thanks for the list.  My CT did violate school, district and state rules.  And, had been accused of doing so before.  She actually wound up in a lawsuit a few years ago, was provided a lawyer/attorney by the union, and charges were dropped.  Parents have been in the principals office with their kids complaining about physical/verbal inappropriateness - and the principal basically says she can't take a child's word for it, that there has to be credible witnesses.  It's c**p - sorry to rant - but it's a sore spot for me because I take my career very seriously - I think we should always be the best that we can be...

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