
Teachers, do you care if your students like you?

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In my World Religions class, we often have debates on various random issues. For instance, today our teacher was talking about how our school had no spirit and whatnot and the teachers were on a "power trip" because the students deserved it. I then replied "well, maybe if the teachers were more laid back like you, the students would like them more." By that, I meant that students usually respond better to teachers who are nice to them and respect them. He answered, "I don't really care if you guys like me.." and went on some rant. It kind of made me mad, because I definitely think teachers SHOULD care if their students like them. To an extent anyways.. like as a teacher.




  1. i will care abt it as i believe that students will learn best in a save environment where both of the student and teacher can communicate and interact well. It is a 2-way process in learning. I'm sure students will like teacher who cares abt them, respect them and willing to share. If they dont like you, there must be a reason. It may shows that you are not a good teacher anyway.....

  2. I care just any human being would care about being liked.

    That being said, I am leery of being liked because I am a slack teacher.

    I want to be liked because I love my students, care about them as students and as individuals, because I am passionate about my subject, because I am fair, because I respect students.

    You get the picture.

  3. Everyone wants to be liked by the people around them.  As a teacher, I wanted my students to like me because students who like their teachers tend to work harder for them and therefore learn more.   However, if someone didn't like me it didn't break my heart.  As their teacher I demanded their respect, but I also tried to earn it.

  4. Yes and no.  Certainly, I care about my students and would like to be respected.   However, I've found that just because a student likes you or your class does not mean they will always act in a respectful way (like being quiet during instruction, etc.)  

    I do frequent surveys to find out if what we're doing in class is effective and am willing to modify my teaching but only to make the class more effective, not to make students like me more.  As I have occasionally (jokingly) told my students when they're whining about homework, a test, etc., "I don't get paid enough to teach you *and* be nice.  Today, you're getting taught!"  (I know - bad grammar - but you have to communicate on their level sometimes! lol)

  5. I like it when I can get along with my kids, but I really don't care if my kids don't like me. Teachers aren't there to be liked, they are there to do their jobs. It's just an added plus if everyone can get along in the process.  So many students think that they are "hurting" a teacher if they don't like them, but it really has very little bearing on most teachers.  Those who do really care are probably either 1) in a great school system where 99% of students love education and their teachers, 2) spend a lot of time with hurt feelings or 3) spend a lot of time in denial.

  6. I think it is only human to want people to like you, but it is not my job to be popular, just to aid in learning.  I can't say that it doesn't matter to me personally, but then I think of some of my best teachers over the years, and they weren't the ones I personally liked the most.  In fact, some of them were intimidating and a little scary, but I learned more from them than from anyone else.  If they couldn't like me, I would settle for being able to help them learn like that.

  7. In my opinion, it is more important for my students to respect me, not like me.  

    They may not always like my rules or consequences, but they also need to understand that rules are consequences are in place for a reason.

    Teaching is not a popularity contest, I am not there to make friends with my students.  I am there to teach them and to be a positive adult in their life.  

    Plus, when you have a room full of people it is impossible to make everyone happy at once.

  8. Students in America disrespect their teachers so much it's ridiculous. You should never talk to a teacher like that. Teachers know what they're doing, and have been in school many years to get where they are. Teachers are above students, and shouldn't be trying to be the students best friends. The only role of students in a class is to learn. Who do you think you are to talk to teachers like that?

  9. I believe that kids will learn best from someone they care about, and who they know cares about them.

    So yeah, I absolutely care if my students like me, and, more importantly, I care that they know, without a doubt, that I like them.

  10. Students usually only like teachers whom they respect.  These teachers show their students that they care.  Why would a student care about your class if he or she sees that you don't care about them?  I taught English for 10 years and my students liked me because I liked them.  I tell new teachers that all students (even the ones who drive you crazy) have to see that you care about them.  After that, they care and want to do well in your class.  All in all, I think you are right!

  11. I'm human so of course I care if my students like me. I would prefer that they...or anyone...would like me rather than dislike me. That being said, however, if a student doesn't like me, I am not going to bend over backwards to make sure that they do. If I am being fair and firm and the student has a problem with that, it's their problem, not mine. I don't change my standards to accomodate them. So while I hope the student likes me and I'll work on our relationship, I will not compromise my high expectations. I'm the adult, they're not.

  12. Im my opinion a teacher doesnt need to be like but they do need to be respected, as long as they are doing their job and children are learning the material. I would rather have a teacher that no one liked but was actualy teaching than having a teacher whos only interest was to be "a buddy" with his/her students and not take into consideration that he/she isnt teaching the class anything. You must remember teachers are there to teach and not to worry if he/she is liked.

    but is there was someone that happened to be a likeabl teacher and was a great educator i wouldnt mind being taught by them.

    but thats just my opinion.

  13. the teachers don't care if my classmates like them as long as they respect the teacher.

  14. Would I LIKE my students to like me?  Of course, I would.  However, I know as an adult and leader in my classroom, there will be times that I make kids (and potentially their parents or friends) angry and I'm okay with that.  If I wanted to make someone happy all the time and careless about what was right, I'd go into customer service for a wimpy company.  

    He's a little unprofessional. You've already said it.  He may feel like he is on the "outside" of the staff - no buddies who are colleages.  He may feel pressure to increase his professionalism from a principal.  

    I don't think his response to you was professional, at all.  You weren't trying to be mean.  You were trying to be reassuring and even praise him for identifying with his students.

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