
Teachers, how do you feel about this?

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In North Carolina the governor is proposing a 7% pay increase for teachers and only a 1.5% pay raise for other state employees.




  1. This is to make teachers better so the schools will get more money from NCLB... it's all about the money

  2. it s nice...but i m a student nt a teacher

  3. I am not a teacher, nor do I live in North Carolina, but Teachers have been underpaid for so long. You are putting your live at risk, a very important job. But, teachers are the ones keeping some of your inmates in school. They are the ones training the future "other state employees". If they weren't there, you'd have many more problems. Plus, teachers have been underpaid for a long time and they have sucked it up because they know that THEY are molding the future's minds. The future is in THEIR hands, and though you and other "state employees" risk your lives for us, we would all be stupid and crazy if it was not for teachers. Sorry if I offend anyone or seem harsh, but that is my opinion.

  4. As a fellow state employee here in North Carolina, I think it sucks royally!!  I will be so glad when Governor Mike Easley is gone.  He has done nothing for the state employees for the past 8 years but try to balance the NC budget on our backs!! Gggrrrr!!

  5. Teachers have historically been underpaid, and NC has historically been in the bottom half of the salary rankings.  Many districts, in order to address the longstanding inequity with other professions, are ramping up teacher salaries.  Also, the demand for highly-qualified teachers is increasing, not just because of NCLB but due to attrition in the field.  You can't attract the best and the brightest when you offer to pay them less than other professions that require graduate degrees, background checks and state certification, in addition to continuing professional education hours.

    Most state employees do not have those educational and professional requirements placed on them as conditions of their employment, nor are they on the front lines in a politically and emotionally-charged environment (with the exception perhaps of police officers).

    If I had to judge by my last trip to the DMV, I'd say 1.5% was pretty generous.

  6. I think if they gave DOC employees a 7% raise I would not know what to do with myself. In the past 4 years i have seen teachers get a 7% raise at least 3 times. The most any other state employees have received is 2.5%. This is unacceptable. The national average starting pay for correctional officers is $35,000. Our Starting pay is still $24,700 and not changing. It doesn't cost us any less to fill up at the pump than it does teachers. Also teachers usually live in or close to the districts they teach in. Most C/Os have to drive 50 miles to the prisons they work at.

    Let's hope we don't elect another Mike Easley this year.

  7. I personally see no problem with it. I've been a Journalist, check out girl, data entry clerk and managed a fitness center, but NONE of those jobs are even a tenth as hard as being a teacher. So, yeah, I think we deserve the extra $$

    However, I also think the other professions should get an increase too with gas being so freaking expensive.

  8. Gee, maybe they will catch up to the other state employees for a change? Maybe someone is placing a fair wage for teachers of the future of North Carolina and the U.S. for the first time in a longtime?  Maybe .....the lottery money will be available for the workers instead of the buildings and other special accouterments, like football fields ....for a change ???

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