
Teachers, how do you see this tardy situation?

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My freshmen daughter is having trouble getting to two of her classes. It's only the first week of school, but I think this will continue. The freshmen are in a separate building from the 10-12th graders. But, some of their classes can end up in the 10-12 building. They have 8 minutes between classes. It used to be 6, but this year they changed it. She has to go from the top floor of the one building, go downstairs to get to the doors to outside and go to the other building. The classroom at this other buliding is not right by the doors either. The walkway is fairly long as well. My daughter told this teacher she was coming from the other building, and the teacher said that was okay because she wasn't going to mark tardies until Monday. Like the way is supposed to get shorter by Monday? The freshmen class has 700 people. I'm not sure about the others, but this district is really busting at the seams. Days where it is raining or snowing can't be any faster either. I've emailed the asst. principal, but haven't heard back yet. I know some kids out there are not probably using their time wisely, but my daughter has so much anxiety and is so nervous about this, I know she is trying hard. My daughter is an honor roll student and always follows the rules. To top it off, the class she is late to is geometry and it's the class she's most worried about. For the next class she has to cross campus, but that teacher seemed to understand better. She is not really late, but is usually down the hall, in view of the door when the bell rings. Do you think I have an argument here? After 3 tardies, in a class per semester they get after school detention. If my daughter is late every day for this class, she'll have detention every week. I will not allow that to happen!




  1. I work in a building that sounds very similar to your daughters situation. Many of my students complain about the same thing. If you really want to get to the bottom of this, call that teacher directly. I know you said you tried calling the principal, but I am sure with the opening of the school she is busy up to her neck with stuff and will not be in "easy" contact with parents anytime soon. Call the teacher and explain the situation and how your daughter is very anxious about it. The teacher will appreciate your parental concern and will help your daughter out to make her transition easier. I dont foresee this being a problem if you talk it out with the teacher. Goodluck!

  2. I have to make a walk from a far portable to another end of the school...and it has to be done within 5 minutes. I manage to do it in 3 minutes, and this is with over 3,500 students.  Tell your daughter to stop chatting. She isn't telling you the whole story.

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