
Teachers, tell me am I right in this situation?

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Ok, there was this musical group who were coming to our school to perform. We had to pay x amount of money to see them, but it was VOLUNTARY. The note and the teachers made it clear you didn't have to go if you didn't want to. I didn't care too much so me and 6 other girls didn't pay. We were to sit in the music room while the performance was going on.

Anyway, just before the performance started, the head of the Science department came up to us, and told us to go down to the Hall to watch the show. We said we didn't pay, and she said go anyway, this show is for everyone. We said we didn't want to go, we didn't want to watch some boring old show. She told us to go very sternly and in a bossy voice.

Anyway, we went and after the show, a couple of b--ches got angry cause they had to pay and we didn't. They got all attitudey and complained. The head of the science department said that she would add $x amount of money to our school excursion fee.

Now, we made it clear we didn't WANT to go, and made it clear we were unwilling to pay from the starting. As a student, don't I have the right to not be pressured into paying for something I didn't agree on?




  1. I'm not a teacher, but that sounds like some ******* bullshit!! Don't even think of paying.

  2. I've been teaching on the high school level for longer than you've been alive.  If there's one thing I've learned, it's the importance of listening to both sides of the story.  I know your perspective, but I'd have to hear the other.   The thing that bothers me about this whole story is the fact that your school charged for the performance.  The budget should certainly cover the cost of something like this.  

        If you want to pursue the situation, why don't you present your case to your guidance counselor.  Inform your parents too, because they'll be the ones writing the check for the school excursion fee!  

  3. Well, there's probably much more to this story, and to the science teacher's actions.  If I had to take a guess, I'd say it's probably that the school didn't have enough available teachers to have someone supervise you guys waiting in the music room (remember that a public school cannot legally have students in a classroom without a supervisor...and usually it has to be a licensed teacher...though this probably varies by state).  If all the available teachers were assigned to be in the auditorium with their classes, then they have no choice but to take you along.

    However, they shouldn't make you pay for these performances.  If you were given the option to attend, and you declined, then you shouldn't be forced to pay for it.  If you ARE charged $$ for this performance, then make sure to have your parents speak to the principal on your behalf.  It's also entirely possible that the science teacher was only saying she'd add money to your excursion fee so that she could get the other girls to stop complaining...

  4. Chances are, the teacher was trying to clear out the room so that you were supervised.  After some students complained, the teacher may have been saying that to them to make them back off.  If the amount is actually added, then have your parents contact the school.

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