
Teachers, what was your undergraduate major?

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What did you study and does it help you in teaching your students? Besides the obvious knowledge in subject material... maybe this question is a little more directed to earlier education teachers.




  1. I teach secondary math

    I graduated witha degree in psychology teaching and math education.

    I LOVE my psych degree! It has helped me in teaching junior high over and over and over. I can explain to kids why they have headaches when they learn to much (and elimiate the excuse) and I can understand where they are coming from when they have problems.  

  2. I live in California, where you get a Bachelor's in something that interests you (if you want to teach elementary school) or a single subject (if you want to teach a single subject in the upper grades.)  As an elementary school teacher, I majored in something my University called "Liberal Studies," which was a bit of everything.  I think it introduced me to things I would not have considered, which is certainly helpful in teaching the little ones.

  3. In Ohio my undergrad was Early Childhood and it was a waste. At Ohio State university you must graduate with your masters in order to get your teaching license. At Ohio University you can get your masters in Early, Middle, and Secondary. The best thing to help you learn how to be a student teacher is field experience and being a substitute teacher. Being a teacher is great, but they can't teach you anything in a college classroom... real life experience is the best thing in the world for you. Choose a school and a program that will get you in the classroom ASAP.

  4. As a elementary teacher you take a course focused on each subject.(math,reading,S.S,e.t.c) classes on behavior management, you do an internship for a semester and each class you have to about 10hrs of observations.We also had to get a minor in another field.  

  5. currently, im a daycare teacher in a private teaching n educare centre n my company is going to gv us employees to study a course, "Leadership". it will teach us how to lead the children's homeworks n tuition works n handle the class properly!

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