
Teachers, would you ever consider dating a former student?

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even if your not one, if you were a teacher...would you?




  1. No way! All of my students are WAY too young(I teach middle school).  Before that, I did teach high school, but there was still a significant age gap.

  2. its ok to date with your former student.. there is nothing wrong with it. as long you two get along with each other well..

  3. If he was only your former student, why not. However, if he is still your current student, I think its not good. You should set limitation on it as a teacher and a student. For me, I would consider dating a former student. We are just humans who also wants to fill our biological needs.

  4. Dating a former student is generally frowned upon when it comes to the faculty of the school.

    But... as long as the (former) student is no longer attending the school and is over the age of eighteen, generally is isn't as frowned upon by anyone, although it would throw a lot of suspicion when it comes to the other current students and whether or not you're involved with them or if you were involved with the student while they were currently attending your class.

    Ultimately, it's a judgement call on your part about whether or not it's ethical or appropriate for a teacher to date a former student.

  5. First, everyone needs to think outside the box.  Everyone immediately assumes this scenario means ages difference and unprofessional appearances.  What if you are 40 and your student is 42 and you teach ESL.  The student asked for private lessons and overtime, a spark developed.  The lessons ended, but the friendship continues, eventually growing into a "dating" relationship.  Is this wrong?  I don't think so.  Take all situations into consideration before passing judgement.  G00D Lvck.

  6. Not someone who was a recent former student - maybe someone who had been a student decades ago.  But even then, it would be awkward.  I have former students who are now in their 50s, and who still have a hard time calling me by my first name, because I was always Dr. Neniaf to them.  The nature of the relationship between student and teacher sets up an inequality which would be very hard to overcome.

  7. Not a chance.

  8. No - it is unprofessional and borderline unethical.

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