
Teachers? Decent Students? Is this okay?

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I was thinking of writing a nice, personal, but not too personal note to one of my most favourite teachers who has been teaching me for the past 3 and a half years. I don't think we are having him next year and I just wanted to say thankyou for everything. Do you think that its okay for me to do something like that for a teacher? If not, what is something else i could do to show my appreciation




  1. I think that is a very nice gesture. I know I would appreciate that from one of my students.  

  2. Why not? It's especially good since you don't want anything from him. Even more useful is to declare what he did that was especially good--without getting too smarmy, if you can.

  3. I would really appreciate a note like that, so I'm sure your teacher will, too.  I say go for it! :)

  4. Write a really thoughtful and specific thank you to him, outlining his strengths as an educator and how they have helped you grow and learn.  Send it to his supervisors and cc him.

  5. thats really cool... with some flowers and a nice card with the wishes wriiten/drawn on it, jus to show him/her ur feelings, wud really be great

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