
Teachers: Do you have anyone who sleeps in your class?

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I work as a teacher and feel I am connecting with most of my adult students but I am afraid I am boring some of them to tears. My student evaluations have been excellent in most cases, but some students are just not interested in what I have to say or classroom activities.

In my last class two of the ADULT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM students put their heads on the desk and appeared to go to sleep. The other students did not seem shocked or paid any attention to the sleepers.

Because they are adults on a pass fail class, should I just ignore the bored students who put their heads on the desk, or pull them out of class? Or fail them? (If I fail them they will return to my class next term all angry)




  1. This is a tough one because of your age group.  

    I teach high school.  If I see a student with their head down on a desk I walk over and gently ask them to "join us."  My job is to make sure the young adults in my class are making wise choices, and to minimize the consequences of their behaviors.  If they don't pay attention they will not have the material for classwork, homework or tests.  Sometimes I have graded discussions and clearly putting one's head down would impact their grade.  

    For you it is different as these are adults who should seemingly recognize the consequences of their choices, and there should be some consequences.  What the consequences are depends on how you pass/fail them.  What are the requirements of the class and can they meet them while sleeping?  I think these are things you need to consider.  Either way I think a conversation with them is appropriate.  You could start by stating how their sleeping makes you feel and then get into how it may impact their assessment in the class.  Students like it when teachers are straight forward and they may appreciate the "heads up" (no pun intended - well maybe a little bit) on what will happen to them.  Give them the chance to improve their behavior.  If it doesn't get better seek some advice from a supervisor.

  2. my sister had a guy that slept in her classes.He worked all nite at his job and came to class during the to them.find out.maybe they are not bored but tired.

  3. I'm not a teacher but I am one of those students who fall asleep during class. I think its best to just leave them as they are, base failin them on the work they do not their alertness. Some student learn in their own way, at their own time. If they still manage to do the work you provide at some point they should pass. You say the other students don't pay attention to them anyway so it's not a distraction to your class, so as long as that is let them and if they fail that's their problem.

  4. i have a kid who feel asleep every 11.45.

    so i made him stand up all year- then he couldnt-  i tell my kdsi this up front and even if thy are noddign off- they know that by me doign this they will at least not miss what i am teaching. - they support my action for them to learn

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