
Teachers: Do you think classes should be seperated by gender?

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I remember in high school a lot of guys acted out to impress a girl and a lot of girls would not volunteer to go to the blackboard because they were afraid a guy would look and cat call at their backsides.

Do you think there would be a lot less disruptions in class if the classes were separated by gender?

Just a thought, they tried this out for a semester at a school on the east coast and saw positive results.




  1. It will never catch on.

    The problem? Title lX.

    the minute that a single s*x class starts to differentiate - title lX issues begin to kick in - no district has the lawyers to deal with that.

    So you will continue to hear about it in small trials, but simply the worry about loss of federal funding will prevent every district from implementing this widely.

  2. Most schools see positive test score and grade improvements with separating my gender however it is my belief that the kids would suffer in their social development (but there's no statistic to show if this happens or not) which is almost as important as their education.

  3. Here in Texas, we never have a problem with those kind of things.  I feel that both genders are just as important, and separating them might be sending the wrong message.  It might be a short-term solution, but in the long run, it would be a social "drop".  Women and/or men wouldn't be treated with as much respect, and both genders have different views on different subjects.  Relationships would diminish as well, because if neither got to hang out with one another, neither would get to know each other, and would probably never end up going out.

    It's just my opinion, but I would find it offensive, and a wrong turn for our society.

  4. I'm a PE teacher and I think that at the Middle School level, the classes SHOULD be separated by gender in PE, but not at the Elementary level.

  5. I'm not a teacher, but currently I go to an All girls secondary school (basically like high school) And a group of girls together when something bad happens is really bad. They fight with hands and feet. Sometimes they even bring knives in. Once its started no teachers can stop it, only friends and that's at their own risk.

    And form what I've heard all boys schools are no better, they fight daily. Bringing gangs after school or threatenting people even teachers at times.

    Apart from those obvious problems, are grades (as single s*x schools) generally are pretty high.

  6. I have substituted in a school where they did that K-6 and combined for recess and lunch.

    I've got to say that it was so much easier teaching in a room full of girls than a room full of boys.

    I know there is brain based research on how to approach teaching depending on gender. I personally am torn. I believe all kids in one room, all abilities, genders etc... Diversity is power.

    However, you bring up a good point. High School would be a bit different. I do think you turn out a bit odd if you go to school with only one gender. Part of growing up is all that high school drama stuff as hard as it is.  It's not prepping you for reality which is that life is not gender specific and you will need to know how to interact with a variety of people regardless of their sexual orientation.

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