
Teachers: Do you think handwriting is becoming a lost art?

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Between texting, typing, and electronic everything have your students handwriting become worse?

Do they still teach handwriting in kindergarden and 1st grade.




  1. I'm a student and I hate typing essays. Hand-writing is much easier for me.

  2. In my school system, handwriting is taught from kindergarten through 4th grade.  However, some of my 5th grade students' writing is almost impossible to read.  I'm not sure if the rules of writing are enforced in the middle elementary grades because of jam packed curriculums.  Writing takes back seat to tested curriculum standards, in my opinion.  On a side note, most of my kids refuse to write in cursive.  I do believe that cursive writing is on its way to extinction.  

  3. That's a great questions.  As a fifth grade teacher...I can honestly say it seems like it does get lost.  However, if I have a student that is really bad...I either take off points or have them redo an item...with a focus on improving the writing of course!  Sometimes they just try to do work fast and don't slow down!

  4. I have the handwriting of an inbred orangutan so I never really noticed.  Nearly all of my students have at least legible handwriting.  The ability to spell properly has gone in the crapper though.  

  5. Yeah, and it's because of the electronic revolution that learners divert from writing to typing and texting messages instead. It's even a danger for the next generation because younger and younger children are engrossed to computers than using pencil and paper. It is the other side of progress.

  6. It depends on the district/teacher.  In the 2 districts I've taught in, only 1 put a great emphasis on handwriting.  But at the same time, some teachers put much stock into it, while others didn't feel it was as important as getting the students to reading and writing their thoughts on paper.  I myself, put a great emphasis on handwriting and will return a paper to a student especially after they know my handwriting expectations.  Students know that in order for them to turn in any paper to me for a grade, or sticker, it has to be legible.

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