I'm in 11th grade, and lets just say that I'm not the most emotional girl (bit of a punky tomboy, really). Recently my family life has been horrible. My sister had back surgery, we have to adopt my toddler cousin because his mother is dying and my parents claim that I'm an idiot and belong in a mental institution because I'm not fabulous in math (mind, I get A's and B's in all my honors classes). They always compare to my highly math-skilled valedictorian sister, but I'm EXTREMELY right-brained.
Last year I had this amazing history teacher. (seriously one of my favorite people ever), as well as one of the few people (let alone adults) who actually understood my sociopolitical views (I'm a libertarian socialst, but not extreme or anything). But I don't have him this year. I really want to talk to SOMEBODY about everything, but I don't want it to seem weird. He's not typically amiable, though he really likes me as a student. Would it be bizarre if I went to talk to him about everything? I'm worried that I might start crying while I explain everything, which is totally not me. Things have just been overwhelming.