
Teachers! I need advice!?

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I want to teach psychology. I am already taking courses in psychology and obviously I'm going to have to take courses in education...

I guess what I'm asking is, how do I actually get into teaching? Does anyone know of any books that I can read about teaching psychology? Any advice from teachers would be great... thank you!




  1. You really might want to investigate this.

    it sounds as if you are unsure about what is actually taught at the high school level. Psychology is not an a-g requirement and is not commonly taught. You will be hard pressed to find anywhere to teach this - in fact - my state does not even have a credential for this. Here are the California secondary credential areas:



    Biological Sciences (Specialized)


    Chemistry (Specialized)


    Foundational-Level Mathematics

    Geosciences (Specialized)

    Health Science

    Home Economics

    Industrial and Technology Education

    Languages other than English



    Physical Education

    Physics (Specialized)

    Science: Biological Sciences

    Science: Chemistry

    Science: Geosciences

    Science: Physics

    Social Science

    If you want to teach at the collegiate level - you'll need your phd. No need for education classes.

  2. Well, I taught psychology at a high school. It was my favorite class to teach! So much fun. However, most schools in my district don't offer psychology. And when I taught it, I only had one or two sections of it, and had to teach at least three sections of History, Government, etc.

    So you would have to get a degree teaching secondary social studies. Social studies teachers are not really in much demand now, so I wouldn't recommend that. Also, once you had the degree, it would be a pretty long shot that the school you landed a job at offered psych, and an even longer shot that the new teacher would get that class. That is, if you could get a job in the first place which is hard in secondary social studies.

    Sorry, just reality.

  3. Do you plan on teaching at a public high school or community college or higher?

    If you will teaching at the high school level, you will need to have endorsements in at least one other area, social sciences go well with psychology.

    You should be getting all the information you will need in your education classes for how to apply, get your license, and state requirements.

    If you need further information, just add details.

  4. I applaud your interest and desire to work with children.  Psychology is such a broad undergraduate major. If you want to get into teaching I advise you to either switch your major to secondary history.  As a secondary history teacher you may have the option to teach psychology as an elective.  You may also finish your undergrad degree as a psych major then enroll in a masters program which will certify you as a teacher. Good Luck!

  5. If you are going to get a bachelor's degree in psychology, and you want to go from there, you would have to check and see what your state requires for you to become a teacher when you already have a different degree.

    In other words: you are seeking non traditional licensure.  

    A good place to find that out is on your state dept of Ed. or Higher Ed. website.

    You can get a Master's Degree in Teaching or Psychology at many universities.  You could then go on to be a college psychology professor.

  6. You won't be able to teach college level psych classes until you have some good experience (in the field of psychology) under you belt.  It's not enough to complete coursework on psychology.  You have to have professional experience to bring to the classroom in order to teach at this level.  Most psychology professors at good schools have a private practice and teach on the side.  They've also done research and have been published.

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