
Teachers are not letting kids/teens use the bathroom at school? why.?

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during lesson time + school outings




  1. Many children abuse the privellege of going to the bathroom. Yes, even young kids learn that going to the bathroom and being slow can get you out of the lesson for five minutes! Most children are more than capable of holding off from going to the toilet for an hour lesson and if they aren't then either they are coming into the lesson already desperate for the toilet (silly on the part of the children, and therefore they need to learn to go at break) or they have some sort of bladder/kidney problem which needs looking at.

    There really is no need for children to be regularly using the bathroom during lessons, they are quite capable of learning to go during breaks and lunchtime and it teaches them self control. It may seem harsh or cruel but really it stops plenty of problems caused by smoking/meeting in the toilets/deliberately wasting lesson time. With younger children it also stops the problem of unsupervised walking around the school and messing in the toilets together.

  2. i guess so the kids don't ditch school in the bathroom and like inject themselves with drugs.  usually teachers just have rules like you can't go to the bathroom when they're teaching and only for 2 minutes alone.  i feel really bad for all the girls who just started their period, they can't change a tampon or pad in 2 freakin minutes!!  it's cruel!

  3. Unless you want them to pee in their pants I would let them go to the bathroom too.

  4. Probably the marijuana smoking. Atleast in my school.

  5. do you use hall passes? if you dont then thats fine. just go before or after class.but if your in class and you really need to go, dont think of stuff coming out. are you being a good student? if your not maybe thats the reason. maybe alot of students have lost the privilage to go because of just fooling around and doing drugs in the bathroom. or maybe at your school, students have maybe gotten sick for going in the bathroom. or maybe the principal at your school is a a*****e!!!!!!!!

  6. because a lot of the time they just go to get out of class and like stay there, or use it as an excuse to get out of the room. or at times it might be distracting if they ask to go while the teacher is talking... but i dont see the big deal, only some of my teachers care, but most let us go whenever we want to

  7. because they smoke normal cigarettes,weed,make love(s*x,making out)with their boy/girl friend,give weaker kids bog washes or whatever it is called when you flush someones head down the toilet,skip lessons and go to a local hangout-arcades,shopping malls etc

  8. I can't believe that either. Maybe they think that they are saying, "I have to go really badly!" as an excuse to skip class when they are about the pee themselves.

  9. IDK about school outings but when I was teaching ESL (English Second Language back before you had to have your teaching certificate -- I had a degree in English and would have gotten my credentials if they would pay for them).

    It was at a middle school and I spent one period a day in the office. They generated a lot of paperwork for themselves because they had a between classes only policy for bathroom breaks and if a student was tardy the teacher locked the classroom door and the student had to go get a discipline referral form from the office in order to be admitted to the classroom.

    Those would go home to the parents. The student had to write down why they were tardy to class and the parents had to comment and sign.

    Some of the forms were things like this:

    Student Comment: I was tardy for History because of female issues in the bathroom.  Ashley Taylor.

    Parent Comment: Please take this discipline referral OFF my daughter`s record. I excuse her for taking more than four minutes in the BATHROOM when she had to wait in line and then take care of personal business. Sally Taylor.


    Student Comment: I was in the bathroom but could not get into a stall because five girls were already in there and they wouldn`t finish their cigarettes. There were no teachers in that hallway at 4th period to tell so I had to wait to use the restroom. Sarah Thomas.

    Parent Comment: Smoking in the bathroom? Where is the supervision? This is insane!  Bob Thomas

    So...the school sets ridiculous rules trying to control bathroom misuse and then sort of says Too Bad when it affects kids who were legitimately using the bathroom.

    My daughter starts middle school in the fall. I see nothing in the handbook about the bathroom and hope there are no surprises.

  10. It is illegal for them to do this.  If this is affecting you or your child you should bring this up with the teacher and say you will contact their supervisor.

  11. As a former 5th/6th grade teacher, unless it was an emergency, I didn't allow my students to use the bathroom during lesson time (that is what recess is for).  Too many kids coming and going disrupts the learning enviroment, IMO.  On school outings, I would imagine it is a liability .. not enough supervision to watch everyone going in and coming out.

  12. At my school we're not allowed to use the bathroom in lessons because we have the chance to go inbetween lessons and at break and lunchtimes.

    They probably don't think they need to go and that they're abusing the privallage x

  13. a lot of kids at my school use the bathroom for meetings...i have even done it and im in 7th grade(just finished) teachers know the kids that abuse the privilege so they dont let them go. the problem is when kids actully have to go they are not allowed. a lot of times teachers will wait about 10 minuets after the kid asks to let them go.

  14. I don't know, but it isn't right.

    I don't know if you are a parent or a student, but either way the children should know that if they need to use the restroom, they should just get up and use the restroom. Regardless if the teacher "lets them" or not.

  15. because they are stupid. I had a teacher do it to me once. So, instead of peeing myself, I just got up and went to the bathroom anyway. Then I got detention for doing it.

  16. The school itself could have some bathroom policy and teachers have to abide by it.  Or the teacher may think the student is just using it as an excuse to get out of class for a few minutes and/or it disrupts their class.

    That said, I've taught in grades 7-10, and I let students use the bathroom during class.  My policy is that they are to ask politely, return as quickly as possible, and not abuse it.  I ask that, if possible, ask at the beginning or end of the class.  When there's only 2-3 minutes between classes, that's hardly enough time to go to the bathroom, especially for girls.  (Which is probably not surprizing that almost all of the bathroom requests I get are from girls.)  I wouldn't want a student of mine to pee their pants in class because I didn't let them use the bathroom.

  17. well kids use, sell, have s*x in the bathroom, ive done the first two but i never thought about gettin a piece whyll next to the urinal

  18. At first it sounded as if they are not allowed to go to the bathroom at all during school but in small print you said "during lessons."   That is appropriate.

    Most teachers provide times for students to use the restroom.  High Schools also have frequent restroom/class change breaks.  Students who use the restroom at the appropriate time will not need to disrupt a teacher during their instruction.  Of course we all know of kids who use "going to the restroom as an excuse to get out of class" when they should have used it before.  Also if a child needs to use it more often than what is considered "normal" then a doctor should provide you with a note to give to your teacher.

    Someone said it is "illegal" for a teacher to say no. That doesn't make sense.  How is it illegal?

  19. When I was in highschool we were allowed 3 bathroom passes each semester and after they were gone,oh well. The majority of the time teens just ask to use to restroom so they can go meet up with their friends or go for a smoke and teachers know that. I don't know why they wouldn't let a younger kid use the bathroom though, when I was in elementary school we always had a bathroom break where everyone would go to the restroom all at once..don't know how it is today though.

  20. They think that the child should have gone in their breaktime, or that they are trying to 'bunk off'.

    I kind of agree with this for older children. Kids above the age of ten, at least, should be able to plan their time and use their breaks to go to the toilet. They should be able to wait an hour and a half, and lessons aren't usually much longer than this.

    Younger children, especially those from 4 - 8 should be allowed to go to the toilet at school and trips whenever they need to. They can't plan as well, and often leave going to the toilet to the last minute until they're really desperate, so they should be allowed to go.

    Younger kids also tend to be more innocent and honest as well, so they probably don't use going to the bathroom as an excuse to get out of lessons, but the older ones are more clever and may be wanting to leave to chat with their friends or get out of work.

    Therefore, if your kids are younger than 10 and are having accidents due to their teacher's rules, you should complain. They are natural bodily functions and some kids take longer to learn how to plan their bathroom times ahead.


  21. ---because they r dumb and disrespectful---

    ---i was actually talking about the teacher not the kids---

  22. Too many kids ditch, drugs, do something against the rules, etc.

  23. I am  a student and personally I think you should go to the restroom at the appropriate times, like inbetween classes (I am a college student now, but when I was younger there were bathroom breaks and plenty of opportunities to go to the restroom outside of classes).

    If it is a real emergency, the student should just get up and walk out. It isn't like the teacher is going to tackle you as you're walking out the door, and you can just tell them, "Sorry, it's an emergency." Other than that though, I think to many people just abuse the excuse of "having to go to the bathroom" and use it as an opportunity to answer texts and skip class.

  24. That was like that when i was at school we had to have passes if we had something wrong with us so we could go in class. If not we had to go after classes and  at lunch/break. They say because the kids just want to get out of class or wonder around the school and miss behave.

  25. Someone such as your kids are feeding you a line of bs.

    Call the school ask them what is going on.

  26. During lesson time I can understand they have time in between break to go.  But during a school outing ask the teachers why.

  27. My only two guesses is that it's because normally teachers would expect their pupils to use the bathroom during their breaks & lunch-time.  Secondly, when I used to go to school, I sometimes asked to use the bathroom during class-time as an excuse to take a quick skive when I was bored.  However, another time I did that was because I was a target for bullying at the time & it was one of the only ways I could escape the bully for that particular class subject.  :o(

  28. It is one way teachers assert power over children.

    It's criminal that children do not have the right to their own bodily functions when they cross the school house threshold.

  29. I don't know was it just like two people she or he rufused mabye they just went in the bathroom to play and the teacher knew it

  30. A lot of teachers look as it as an excuse to be out of the classroom, a lor of kids just leave when they go.

  31. well at my school epople are getting to use new drugs expecally E excatcy and there so easy to use. also kids are now smoking pot in the bathrooms  also easy drug deals

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