
Teachers are too cruel these days?

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they always upset students or be horrible to them. When they in the staff room i think they always talk about u and its hurtful and mean. I hate it when they confiscate stuff to that is ur personal belongings its heartbreaking and makes u feel upset. I no u going to hate me but its awful and why teachers pick on pupils just makes me want to die or not live anymore. We dont have freedom maybe im stupid but it is just what i feel we all have our own personal choices and its our lifes and they always ruin it by making us upset or stressed out even more especially being a teen. I am actually really upset so dont be mean. Not about this because i have failed at school once and now im failin in ict. maybe im wrong.




  1. I am a 10 year veteran teacher and I have to tell you that teachers are not cruel for the most part.  Perhaps you have had a share of teachers who were not as 'sensitive' to your needs as you might have expected, but you must understand that teachers have a job to do.  It is necessary that students know how to act and respond in a classroom setting and in school.  They must know the rules and procedures and follow them.  They must know how to get along and recognize and discontinue bad behavior.  You as a student, are in a fight for your life.  Time is of the essence.  The world is rapidly spinning and there is so much to learn and so little time.  With all the progress that has been made in technology, our students here in America are far behind those students who are overseas.  Our country is daily in danger of loosing more and more of our young people to drugs, the streets, jail and other hapless places they should not be.  I know students get just as stressed out as teachers.  We all do. It's life.  You have to focus on the job you have to do as  a student and if you run across a teacher who is not kind to you, deal with that situation as best you can.  All teachers are not cruel. All teachers don't sit around in during their lunch time talking about students - if anything - we try to come up with ideas to save our students.  The job we do is often unappreciated and definitely underpaid, but we are here and we are not going anywhere because we love what we have been called to do.  I suggest that if you would change your attitude - the way you look at this - you might find there are some teachers who are willing to help you with not only your academic issues, but the issues that seem to have you stressed.  Please think about it.  We are here to help you - not hurt you.  We want to see you become successful in this life and be able to prosper yourself in the career of your choice, encourage you so that you will be able to contribute to your community and society.  Cheer up! It's not that bad.

  2. I'm sorry that you are having a bad time at school. However, all teachers aren't like that. I'm a young teacher myself, and I love my students. Nothing makes me happier than to see them do well at something. You have to realize, though, that not all students are "angels" either. I understand what you are saying, but from a teachers viewpoint, we are under a lot of pressures, too. There are people breathing down our necks, making sure we are doing what we are supposed to do, and making sure our test scores are high enough. When a student does poorly at something, they don't ask what did the kid do wrong...They ask What did you, the teacher, do wrong that the kid didn't do well.  It can be a tough situation. I don't know what advice to give you because I don't know your exact issue, but if you have behaved completely respectfully and you still feel that you have been treated unfairly, then you should talk to your parents or the principal. You have to unerstand, however, that rules are rules, and if you broke one then it isn't anything that the teacher did. Please don't feel so upset that you don't want to live. Just remember, that not everyone is like that. Try to realize that you can do what is right, move on, and everything gets better =) I really hope things get better for you! ~Love & Prayers~

  3. in high school i had this teacher who everyone liked, and he would actually admit to students that teachers would make fun of some students for their accents or what not... but, whatever, i mean, they are still humans

    but anyways, u shouldnt feel so bad about it.... if they r mean to u as u say, then ignore them... who cares if they tease u... just think about studying and getting good grades

  4. Not all teachers are like that but maybe this particular one that you're talking about is.. it's also a matter of personality..

    the best thing to do here is.. do your best in his/her class.

    dont give him/her a reason to humiliate you.. do your best and he/she will probably eat their words.

    be active in class get good grades.. and if they still continue.. tell them to get a life. they're probably losers who have no friends. lol

  5. not all teachers r as same as u meant! u noe wat? im a daycare teacher! we teachers always talk bout students' goods n not their bads! when we notice that we have bad IQ(smartness) n bad EQ(attitude) students, we will try our best to solve them! we r quite serious when we r talking bout our students! not like sum teachers who criticize n laugh at the students' acts in classes! i always use the smooth way to solve the students' problems! like giving advices, caring more on their personalities than their studies, n mur!

  6. You are being ridiculous. You want to be molly-coddled?  We are raising kids who believe that they are to never feel upset and that everyone should be worried about their feelings instead of kids who need to take responsibility for their education, behavior and future. Maybe you need to start working hard and quit blaming other people.  Maybe, if you are being picked on, you are inviting that kind of behavior. Maybe your teachers are trying to motivate you. I can tell you that no student is so important that teachers sit around on their free time and dream up ways to embarrass them.  You have a lot more stress ahead of you. It is called life.

  7. You should not have stuff at school that they are required to take from you. All schools have lists of what is not allowed, follow that and you wont loose anything.

    As for being mean and making fun of students if they do this in-front of other students then they need to be reported after all they have rules as well.

    Keep trying and do your work and study you will be done with school in no time.

    I myself took the G.E.D. test instead of staying in school because of troubles in my life at the time, I did not regret it then and I don't regret doing it now. High school is not for everyone check into on-line charter high schools in your area here in MN they are free and you have teachers who can help if you have problems with work it is all done by computer.

  8. Students are cruel to teachers also.  However, I think you are correct that teachers should not sit around badmouthing their students.  That is wrong.  I don't even care how justified it is.

    Taking personal belongings, though.   That is another thing.  If a student has something in class that he/she isn't supposed to have and the teacher has warned that it will be taken, then you really can't complain.  You knew it was coming and you knew you broke a rule.  If you are giving your teacher a hard time and not doing what you are supposed to do, it isn't wrong of your teacher to take something.  Yes, the teacher should give it back, but seriously, if you don't want it taken don't have it out and follow the rules.  It's that easy!

    Teachers shouldn't be picking on students, though. I have seen that, and it isn't right.  They don't know how much their words can hurt somebody.

    Thank you for posting this, though, because it is causing me to reflect on myself as a teacher.  I'm sure I may have hurt a student without realizing it.  It is important to think about how you treat your students.  Of course, at the same time, the students should think about how they treat their teachers.  We're both people...don't you agree?

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