
Teachers do you actually appreciate flowers?

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If students were to chip in and give you flowers and a HUGE card, would that be enough to say thank you?

Do you teachers actually appreciate flowers?




  1. of course

    flower is a symbol of love and care

    if someone gave you a flower

    maybe he or she loves you...

    for me i will say thank you...

  2. I love flowers but any gift from students is always a nice gesture.

  3. teachers appreciate any form of gift. but i have seen teachers dump gifts that they get from students. my maths teacher admitted to dumping tissue boxes with messages from students written on them, and other teachers admitted throwing away of Christmas cards

  4. Anything done by children is going to be done with sincerity. Children nowadays don't really think of their teachers as people and to get something from them shows that they think more of the teacher than just someone barking out lessons and saying sit down.

    I would love it!

  5. Yes definitely. For me, it really is the effort of my students to think of you and say 'thank you.'  Especially if, in your case, all of them chipped in to give you something they think is something you would appreciate - I think that's the only thing they think of when they think of giving gifts - how to make a teacher feel loved and appreciated by his/her students.

    But I am not denying the fact that I can be materialistic; but I would rather save that for my friends and other acquaintances.

    With children it's just different because you everything that comes from them is pure and sincere.

  6. Well, flowers die...I'd rather get a gift card or something for my classroom.

  7. The question was Teachers do you actually appreciate flowers?

    absolutely!!! anything that one of my students has given me , I know it came from their heart and I teach over grade school and high school level.

  8. Any gift from a student is nice... especially at the level I teach (high school), where we usually get very few tokens of appreciation.  More importantly would be the note attached to the flowers....  Words telling that teacher why you like him/her or what made him/her an effective teacher are very meaningful.

    As far as whether we would like flowers over other "things" for gifts--I definitely would say that high on most teachers' lists for "favorite gifts" would be gift cards--especially for bookstores:)  Most of us catch up on our reading in the summer!

    Definitely, most teachers would be most grateful to receive a present of flowers, especially if the entire class pitched in.  And if everyone wrote a few genuine words of thanks and appreciation, it would mean a great deal!

  9. I love flowers, but from a student I would usually rather get a personal note telling me that they appreciated the class, because it allows me to look back years later and remember that student..

  10. Flowers are very nice--who doesn't like flowers?--but I might prefer a lasting gift for my classroom (book), a gift certificate for a bookstore or teachers' supplies store, something like that. And the huge card, of course!

  11. As an elementary school teacher, I get "flowers" from the playground all the time.  I put them in a cup of water until they die.  Cards are better because you can display them all year.

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