
Teachers from NYC?

by Guest57851  |  earlier

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I just graduated from high school, and I'm looking forward to going to college and getting a certificate to teach. I plan to go to the University of Houston, but I heard you have to graduate from a college in New York to teach there. It has been a dream of mine to live in NY (Queens or Manhattan) for a long time. I live in Houston right now, and see myself trying to move there within the next 10 years. Am I really going to have to attend a college in NY to teach there?




  1. I would think the state board test you take in Texas would be OK.

    I would question why you'd want to teach in New York. The cost of living is higher and from my understanding, as a new teacher, you'd get stuck in the poorer schools.

  2. I'm not sure I understand you correctly. Are you saying that to teach in NYC, you need to graduate from a NYC college? That's ridiculous! I think, perhaps, the person who told you that was unable to get a NYC teaching position and is trying to rationalize why.  There are many teachers from out of the state, city, and even country in the NYC school system. Get your degree from Houston; it's a good school. Then go to New York City and try to get a position. And don't forget the suburban schools also. And despite the noise and crowded schools, living in the city is really great. I wish I was still there.
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