
Teachers how do you communicate with parents?

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What principles and techniques do you use for communicating with parents?




  1. The simplest way to communicate effectively with parents is to talk to them as though they are friends or neighbors.  Open, honest discussions are always the best and should be conducted in terms the parent can understand, not in educational psycho-babble.

  2. dont just contact the parents if the child isnt doing well. make it an effort to stay in close communication with the parents at all times. all parents should take an interest in who their childs teachers are and try to go to meetings.

  3. If they don't gome to parent/teacher confrences I call if their student is misbehaving or have a low grade.

  4. Use a communication book to communicate daily with the teacher.  It goes home everyday so you can write to the teacher and then the teacher can write in daily as to how the students day was

  5. Parent teacher conferences, daily chatting, take home sheets and newsletters

  6. Classroom website - free, easy to make ones exist

    Weekly notes to the class and then hand writing a note to each parent personally.  They don't have to know you do this for everyone.

    Phone calls at least per month on the weekend or evening when I anticipate the parents can chat 5-10 minutes.

    Email and text messaging works well for some parents.

    An occasional message with an older student.  Use this very selectively based on student and importance of the message.

    About once a month I also print out our county's local ARC newsletter and send it home.

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