
Teachers--is this possible...?

by Guest57457  |  earlier

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Is it possible to take up the art (I like to call it an art--not a hobby), the art of falconry in addition to being an English teacher?

I've always had a passion for falcons, hawks, kites--birds of prey in general--but I also have a dream of being an English teacher.

Anyways, I figure that it is possible to do this. I could go falconing on the weekends and during the summer, and during any free time I have, and teach whenever need be.

I suppose what I'm asking is: How much time does teaching take up of your daily life?For example, do you often have to work on grading work and stuff like that over the weekend, or do you, for the most part, have weekends free?

Thanks for your input,





  1. Teaching will take up as much time as you choose to devote to it.  I could work 24/7 on my job and still find things to do.  

    For first year teachers, much of your energy and time will go to the job and taking up a new hobby would probably fall to the wayside.  However, I refuse (and I recommend this to others) to allow the job to take over your personal life.  If you schedule your  new found hobby into your schedule, it would help you relax and forget about the stress of a new job.  If, on the other hand, time is demanded from you for falconry, I think you will just become more stressed, not less.

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