
Teachers only please :) how would you react to this wot would u want ur student to do?

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In february I was upset about something that happened and my teacher picked up on it basically she asked if i was ok and i said yer i wanted to talk to her but everytime she asked if i was ok i froze and sed i was fine which was a lie but i didnt know how to tell her what was rong and also i didnt want to say it infront of everyone. she said i could go and talk to her but i didnt. I should have talked to her as i regret it now, my friend said i should go talk to her but its JULY now and she'll proberbly think why have you come to talk to me now. She was really nice to me and i feel bad that i didnt go to talk to her but i want to talk to her for other reasons to. Basically i want to know what you would do :

1. Is it too late to talk to her now?

2. Should i talk to her she was nice at the time but she sort of picks on me now and i dont know whether its cos shes annoyed because i didnt tell her what was wrong or whether shes trying to be horrible so i get upset and tell her





  1. If she is still your teacher I think it would be a good idea to talk to her.

  2. Yes, it's perfectly fine to talk to her.  Most teachers go into the profession because they want to see their students develop both academically and personally.  It's not too late.

  3. If you trust her and like here, talk to her. No matter how long after the event.

  4. 1. Not too late- if she offered a listening ear then, she is probably sensitive to the fact that you might need some support.  I doubt that would just disappear in a few months. When I have had students come to me in similar situations, I have been aware that they may have wanted to talk before but weren't able to for whatever reason. I didn't hold it against them.  I think that's true for a lot of teachers.

    2.  What do you mean she's picking on you? If she was nice before, I am sure she would be nice again in listening to you if you asked for her time.  If you wish you had talked to her, then listen to your instincts.

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